The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Nah this is the perfect night to catch up on DVR’ed stuff


I truly question his ability to talk at this point. The dude has major neurological issues.

Like clinton, he won the impeachment battle. Also like clinton, his approval rating bump from that will come back down to where it was before in 2 months.

The problem is the economy part, if he keeps getting credit for it/still goes up nonsensically like Tesla stock, he will beat every dem in nov.

Man I scan some ridic BS right wing websites sometimes and none of them had this. It’s too stupid even for them. Where the hell did that come from?

Lots of women are basically mental chameleons. Sorry your sis is one of them.

Had someone saying that to me. Wonder where they are getting it from.

I started a thread for you: A Thread for People Who Hate Themselves: Liveblogging Trump's SOTU - #2 by Smacc_25


From the most treasured source of right-wing news: Youtube.

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Buttgieg did really well there.

I never quite understood it, but that’s what I heard was the evolution of the subreddit The_Donald. It started off as a bunch of pepe memes making fun of Trump, but at some point, it attracted a bunch of people who found Trump’s most horrific quotes to be inspirational.

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Hey Susan, @microbet has a bridge for sale. You should check it out.

I tried watching her final remarks in the impeachment coverage, but my soul has nothing left to give

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Everytime I switched it over earlier I had to immediately turn it off, its so maddening :disappointed:

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I was actually wondering about this about 3 min before I stumbled across this post. Why would any Dem attend tonight? Who cares about norms or whatever, just don’t go.


Yup… Was thinking the same, make it a no-show for all Dems except Pelosi I suppose