The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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Extrajudicial killings are very on-brand. Bigly popular with the base.

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And what do slam dunk charges that were never filed get us?

Edit Trump hair onto the dude on the right and a caption, “Look at all those losers and suckers!”




You’re the next contestants on Trump Thinks You’re Losers!


Honestly, it’s one of the more intelligent things to come out of his mouth since ~1985.


That wasn’t a possibility around the time the Mueller investigation started. The house was controlled by the Republicans.

I know, they could have done it in January of 2019 though.

Nothing in a million years was gonna happen if the Dems controlled the House and the GOP controlled the Senate.

He did enough of his job to get the thing to happen that should have happened. He laid out the president was a national security threat and ended his investigation early to avoid very long delays with plenty of evidence to convict in a court of law. Do you think the president is getting thrown in jail over what was in the Mueller Report? Really? Come on man.

I’m not a nihilist and will never be a nihilist. We aren’t f***ed until after the election. The GOP Senate is literally trying to get us to vote for them destroying the Constitution as an endorsement (this has been going on forever, but it’s never been put so starkly in front of the voters as something to yay or nay). Until then, there’s still time. I’m not on anyone’s team who feels it’s already over.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you move out of the country or are planning to before the election? If so, it sounds like you’ve already given up well before the clock has hit zeroes. I won’t entertain any talk of this nihilism until the electorate and scale of cheating prove this wrong (we even have a date for that). I won’t care anymore by then, because that will be what this country wants and it will deserve whatever outcome it gets from that.


He didn’t interview the president. Also I didn’t realize we wanted him to do some of the job, I thought we wanted the whole thing. Lastly, does this mean you admit you were wrong about Pelosi and the eDems?

I don’t think most WAAFers think it’s definitely already over. But it’s a desperate time that calls for aggressive political action and a strong plan and strategy.

Given his situation (iirc neither he or his wife are natural born citizens), throwing shade at him for this is pretty fucked up. If anyone deserves to escape now it’s those who are at higher risk.


It didn’t have to be targeted toward conviction in the Senate. Prime time hearings with his kids, senior staff, etc could have made a lot of political hay. A taped interview with him as well. Catch him lying on tape to Congress under oath about Russia. Try him in the court of public opinion.

Shit, there should be subpoenas flying right now over hearings on the pandemic response.

Did anyone else read that in Carl Sagans voice? I can’t help to be sad thinking about it. I remember watching the Cosmos serious on PBS with my mother when I was I child and how it had a profound effect on me.


Everyone knows Trump and his circle lies. No one cares. People that pay attention to this stuff enough to care is like 0.0001% of the population.

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NM is solid blue and has been for a while.


I wonder how they will cheat us out of almost a million votes?

I’m sure DeSantis will think of something


Honestly, I don’t even remember it, but my parents tell me that when I was a young child and Cosmos first came out on PBS that I was glued to the screen every time it was on. Like, normally I was a small boy who would be running around and throwing things like any normal child, but when Carl Sagan came on the TV, I sat down and paid attention.

Carl Sagan is a big part of the reason why I decided to pursue science as a career. James Burke, too.