The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I had laser eye surgery when I was 37 (not LASIK since I wasn’t a candidate, but a similar procedure), and I needed reading glasses three years later. Then I found out last year that I had a degenerative condition that required a follow-up surgery to correct, and now I can see even better than after the original surgery. Go figure.

lol bragging about raising $6 million more than your opponent while also bragging that you had 26 million more viewers, constant self-owns.



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Now that you mention it, the villain in my next book is called Rico Hatch


Written in sharpie, no doubt.

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We all know how hard it was for Dexter Manley to play football. Imagine being unable to read and being president?

I can’t believe that Kyle Rittenhouse is gonna be made into a hero.

I mean, I knew it would happen, but it’s just disgusting


Don’t forget Eddie Gallagher. The GOP loves murderers as long as they’re killing the right kind of people.


I haven’t read a Trump tweet in at least a week and boy has that been a good choice.

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What they told me was that I would likely need readers earlier than I would if I hadn’t gotten Lasik. But, 47 shortly and still no readers, though my eyes are slower to focus from near to far.

I’ve not been posting as much or watching/reading political stuff as often this last 2 weeks and instead trying to understand how we got here.

Basically the lack of tax being taken in and the facts countries are in either export or import(except the USA, which is a balanced economy) + the bullying of the USA tech companies in not paying their way has resulted in what we have now and actually understand that the bank bailout was you and me too if you held assets at that time or a mortgage then you got bailed too, so the bailout had to happen.

Worldwide wage stagnation and Austerity has caused the massive amount of debt being built up by the importers and unable to to collect the debt by the exporters is going to cause conflict in the near future.

I don’t think anyone has any answers as all across the world the Political Parties are all splitting from the traditional left and right wings, somewhat fortunate for us in Scotland is that we have a centre left Anti Austerity party but that’s a rare thing in todays world, elsewhere the Anti-Austerity party’s have lost quite badly and the left all in all is responsibile as much as the right for this mess throughout Europe anyway.

The future is bleak and it may come to war, we’re on a path that no-one can predict and in the next generation the middle class professionals will be gone too due to Free Apps given away for everything from where it started in Music to Law and Insurance.

I mean it’s already here, we’re just waiting on the smart kids putting it together to ELI5… :eyes:

I hope we can get some strong real left facing political party policies working together around the world to stop the rot and pray that our children can have a future that we promised them and do away with this old banking system weve put up with for hundreds of years where debt is bad and deficits must be brought down.

I’ve been playing my game more and helping out folks when I can as its all we can really do atm until the political elites burn in hell.


If there was any doubt before, the crunch on economies of covid on top of austerity measures has probably sealed the future as being major war followed by debt forgiveness (most likely imo) a la WW2, or debt forgiveness without the war first (unlikely imo).

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I honestly think we’re heading for War in Europe, my fear is Eastern Europe invades parts of Europe to kick it off.



Trump can eat a well done dick. With ketchup.


let’s ride this dick together all the way to climax