The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I think I posted about it in the COVID thread. Missed it if you asked, thanks for checking in. She’s still in the hospital, still awaiting test results on COVID, still awaiting results from the chest CT. The doctor doesn’t think it’s likely to be COVID, but her BP spiked really high again so they want to figure that out before she is released.

Spoke to her for about 15 minutes, but now her phone is off. My father is calling for more info and he agreed to write everything down now to make sure he doesn’t forget.

She’s still in a lot of pain and crying and suffering from a lot of anxiety, and nobody can go be there with her until she gets a negative test back… So we’re all pretty pissed about the continued state of testing in this country.


For the record I’m also not rooting for anyone’s death, though I am rooting for whatever scenario saves the most lives. Which is why I’m using my “one time” for the following:

Trump lingers in a state of semi-lucid, hypoxic delirium for the next few weeks. He continues to tweet like a whiny narcissistic fuckwad, simultaneously forcing the media to maintain coverage of his monstrous beliefs while also making it increasingly clear that he’s a cringy PoS who doesn’t deserve any sort of alt-right uprising. Trump lingers at the edge of consciousness just long enough to watch Fox declare him the “loser” of the election, before falling asleep in a state of feverish despair.

Trump awakens handcuffed to a ventilator, the hospital bed stained with orange makeup and his hair in disarray. Who’s there? It’s Barack Obama, Rosie O’Donnell, and James Doakes, who - as Q - was a double agent this whole time. The three secret amigos all exclaim
simultaneously, as they wheel Trump out of the hospital and directly into a defunct immigrant internment camp - now empty except for Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka. As Trump succumbs to madness, the last thing he registers is the elegant athleticism of Joe Biden as he gracefully descends a nearby ramp to the resounding cheers of millions of Americans. Biden - wearing a mask and holding a Nobel Peace Prize - looks awesome.


not sure the dude who’s leaving the forum because he didn’t like a herman cain meme can go the ‘don’t be sensitive’ route (i know it’s not you, but you get the point)

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I’ll just repeat here what I put over on 22 about Herman Cain:

It’s fistpumping for the rare occasion that someone powerful faces appropriate consequences for their actions. Herman Cain participated in the system to convince people the virus was a hoax, that masks were unnecessary, and that people should get back to making rich people richer rather than worrying about their own health. Most of the consequence of this system has been borne by poor POC who work on the front lines, who don’t have access to adequate testing or health care, who are too poor to afford the luxury of choosing not to work, and who aren’t lucky enough to be able to work from home. Herman Cain can work remotely as he will, or not work at all, has excellent health care, and has excellent access to testing, all while he’s undermining all of those things for people most vulnerable to the disease. Dying in a car wreck might be a balanced end for the needless deaths he’s helped increase, but it’s not a fitting one the way that dying to the disease he publicly denied and encouraged other people to deny is.

Consequences like that are usually the realm of fairy tales, that tell us that evil people get their due, and we can all live happily ever after. Real life is not a fairy tale. Villains are more likely to face a windfall of wealth than an actual comeuppance. Trump and his administration can exacerbate the pandemic for their own self-interest from their fortress safely and with only minimal risk to them and theirs but at great cost to the rest of society.

Censoring people who find a little katharsis that the hubris of a powerful villain has led to his own katastrophe only serves to whitewash his villainy. Should not his role in denying the virus and the irony in dying to it serve as a warning to all who would do likewise? What is in bad taste is leading naive and/or desperate people to unnecessary deaths, not talking bad about someone who both did so and met a fitting end.

Like, are we supposed to go around saying “Well, actually, Luke Skywalker slaughtered millions of workers aboard that Death Star, most of whom had nothing to do with its weapons systems” ? Are we supposed to regard Thanos getting snapped out of existence as some tragedy rather than his rightful comuppance for doing the same to half of the universe? Are Hansel and Gretel the real villains for shoving the witch into the oven in which she would have cooked them? I don’t know about you, but I think hell no. Cheering for villains meeting a fitting end is as old as human storytelling, and it’s so rare that we actually get to see that happen. Like, sure, Hitler lost, but if there were any justice in the world, he’d have been starved for a while, gassed naked followed by his cooked corpse being thrown in an unmarked hole. This isn’t merely cheering on the death of someone deserving. This is the rarest of instances when the punishment fits the crime.



Hi, just zenned out in a 30-minute hot shower. How many news-years did I miss?


bout 3.50


62.5 news years, about 750 news months.



It is strongly starting to sound like Trump knew he was positive before Thursday.

Aren’t they supposed to have been testing him daily?

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Blast from the past

Looks like I’ve got some catching up to do.

(start reading where I left off and see that many people got covid but this thread got AIDS)


The continuation of Bloomberg’s Revenge.

Conley issued a memo approving Trump’s use of hydroxycholoroquine, writing “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.” It is unclear if Conley had explicitly prescribed the medication.


I’m not saying you have to be nice and wish him well, I’m saying don’t be over the top and grotesque about his death to the point we lose moderate Republicans.

Like I hate Trump as much as anyone and I would feel immense joy if he died, but I think winning this election and saving democracy is more important that me publicly dancing on his grave.

Just celebrate on forums like this, and not do stop that’ll be all over the news. Like yeah sure if they show some small about of liberals doing it, it won’t be a big deal. But if everyone on the left does it, it’ll be a horrible look.

Saving this democracy and getting people help comes first, I can piss on his grave after the election.



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Nah they will vote for Trump in huge numbers to honor Trump and they see Pence as a guy Trump trusted to do that maga movement. They will think democrats killed him or some shit.

The deplorables will still vote in mass because yeah its a cult, but its a cult about owning the libs and hating them and that won’t go away with Trumps death. I spent a lot of time arguing with deplorables and I’m fairly confident almost all of them would vote Pence because Demcorats are globalists evil and wanted Trump dead and maybe killed etc.

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It’s probably ok to take a break from the speed of the unfolding events. Go have a nap, np. If the worst happens you’ll know it by the black smoke sent out from your local McDonald’s.