The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

This is a job for the Lincoln project.


Small bet at evens that Trump is still alive on a date to be agreed? Losers stake goes to charity also to be agreed.

Tea leaves, chicken bones, 2020.

I don’t really care what they do afterwards, and no, they’re not allies. They are pretty good at highly targeted troll ads for tiny audiences, and if they can get some donors to turn on Trump, then that’s a good thing. It’s preaching to the choir for their band of rich grifters to try and target other rich grifters.

Says remote judiciary committee hearings on Oct. 12.

Right, this is probably the key takeaway from this presidency: if you’re going to do scandalous shit, don’t just do a little bit of it–do a lot of it. If Obama had unveiled an entire collection of pimp suits then no one would ever remember he wore a tan suit.


No he’s a favorite to survive.

That would depend on which date is agreed.

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I came close to posting almost exactly this sentiment on Facebook but I didn’t have the balls. Why are we pretending to be sad that Idiot Hitler might die?

Yeah, but if there isn’t a shitty misspelled tweet with random capitalization by the end of the day it’s getting closer.

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So Trump and the WH were definitely going to try and hide that he tested positive if he stayed asymptomatic and because his condition worsened they couldn’t hide it. There’s a chance they might’ve known before Wednesday


why would his doctor reveal this 72 hours thing? did he just slip? are they all too stupid to realize we can tell time?

Bad title change, gotta start it with The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: _________.


I will be stealing this, :pray:.

I don’t really want them involved in doing the important steps towards winning an election, like door knocking and phone banking and GOTV, because they’re not allies. They’re trolls. But trolling Trump’s donors is good, even if it’s not as important as other things.

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Yeah, Party Pozzer was good. This is not.

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@clovis8 I think the agreed upon norm (lol norms, I know) is that the front of the thread title stays the same and only the part after the colon gets changed. Tsk tsk.