The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Don’t mean to piss on the parade everyones on, but imo this is more likely now than Trump dying.

Also, has the debate moderator been tested? I know I’d get it done right away if I was him, and keep getting it done.

That’s not as much of a lock. At least some deplorable adjacent boomers (especially men) can abide voting for a old white guy that looks like them. They’re never voting for a black woman.

The NJ fundraiser was $200k a plate with like 25 donors. The campaign NEEDED that money.

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The head of campaign fundraising are Guilfoyle ($4M settlement) and 'Rona Romney (Covid).

Hope their burn rate is low. (lol)

Donald Trump is broke.

How broke is he?

Trump’s so broke he weaponized the virus against his own donors because he was running out of money.

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They don’t give dead people O2, right?

This has the makings of the biggest presidential scandal in US history. Trump knowingly went maskless indoors around numerous government officials. He may have knowingly exposed senators and Supreme Court justices.

Donald Trump has personally perpetrated a biological attack on the highest levels of the United States government.




Biden needs to cut a SAVAGE negative ad on this and start running it immediately.


Seems like a good opportunity for a mall-based business.

The truly amazing, but completely predictable, thing will be 3 weeks from now every single one of these infected republicans will be still downplaying covid. To a man.


Chiefs pozzed too. Not just Cam.

This is only true if he dies. If he lives, he will be doing other outrageous and stupid things soon and everyone will just add this to the list of Trump Stuff That Should Be The Biggest Scandal Ever But We Already Forgot About It.


How do you prove it though?

The doctor just said it and I’m sure there is some video or images of him going to and from the fundraiser or having meetings.

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Maybe just have Woodward ask him?


The doctor already proved it with the 72 hour timeline.


It was less than 7 days ago his taxes were released and 5 days ago he had the worst debate performance in history!