The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Might be ponied, but this could be relevant:


Yes. Mitch needs 50 votes to pass it. Right now he has 53. If 4 gop senators are hospitalized and Manchin holds they can’t vote.

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Seems pretty weird to me to say that you are “absurdly empathetic” or “very empathetic” or whatever.

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Aren’t Murk and Collins out already?

FWIW I still got a hold out for Romney to pull a McCain, let there be a vote, then stride in like a boss and vote no. I think he’s just wants to be Brutus and deliver the killing blow in dramatic fashion.

Narrator shut up and let me have my little fantasy. You too Sweet Summer Child. Dicks.


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Quite. Emphatically empathetic has a much better ring to it.


I assume any and all considered enemies have long established plans that can be enacted in a moment of crisis in the US related to the well being of the President.

The perception is the decision making process in the US in some kind of attack scenario is very streamlined which means retaliation can be swift. Taking action while a president might become incapacitated creates all sorts of issues. There is confusion, uncertainty and just plain freezing up. Add in the total incompetency of the current administration and an outside attack could leverage this to turn it into complete pandemonium.

This is for certain a dangerous time.

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I don’t trust for a second that Murk and Collins wouldn’t switch their votes to “yes” in order to “respect norms and proxy vote for the senators in the hospital.” That’s a danger with Manchin as well.


Highlighted part for emphasis. Chiddy is basically saying “I thought you were supposed to be the empathetic ones!”

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I don’t either. But at least it’s a fun chance to cling to. It’s not like there’s anything Dems can do to stop it. Rs have to help.

My first instinct was to post “Nah. Go fuck yourself”, but I keep getting infracted for that sort of thing.

(Seen that passage before btw, I think when you posted it. Very true.).

I prefer presidential candidates that don’t have coronavirus.


JFC I need to post in Chiefsplanet so bad. Who else has an account there? I always bug Trolly to post there, but I think he screws it up on purpose so I won’t bug him anymore. Which is a legit response.

The libs there drop the ball so bad.

omg i just realized… melania has aids AND covid19. that’s bad for her. she’s like a disgusting disease-riddled pig, it’s so sad, i’m so sad for her

and she’s ugly, too, on top of all that


Why don’t you? Did you get banned?

I’m trying to troll my usual pages but I got muted in one, and in another my post wasn’t approved. They’re headin me off at the pass! God damnit.

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So does my pony!

Yes I said I’d donate $1000 to a charity of Stevieray’s choice (the guy I lost the original DC bet-ban with) if I ever post again. I really don’t want to donate $1000 to Guns for Jesus.




Anyone checked in on the corvette forum lately? Need to be a member to see the politics subforum. @corvette24 ?

By the way I think we’re literally the reason they moved their politics site private. Someone posted it here, then I got some people on twitter to post there.