The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I’d like to think Melania wouldn’t have blown all the money.

Hmmmm maybe she was the one who sold off the stock and has now hidden it from the eventual bankruptcy creditors.

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So there you were walking around sore and not knowing what it’s called.

I never heard the term until a couple of years ago.


Well my 30s have only been 5 years long. I just don’t remember what year.

:eyes: :rofl:

Katie Porter GOAT


Id like to think that everyone who has any control over anything he owns is now cashing in & bailing & hoping to avoid (if any) his legal team as they might be a bit to buzy after the election.
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The Trumpbot has posted 59 times in the past 24 hours.

I recently cooked dinner for my sister and three of her friends for her birthday and one was a awful person who plays limit poker now because “All the no limit guys just want to fuck me” and spent the evening bragging about how many dick pics guys send her. She showed me her tinder profile and sent off a message when I gave it back, then said “That’s right bitch, you better start typing” when the little bubble appeared. She must enjoy being hate fucked.

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That sounds like a delightful conversation to have with your sister at the table


Maybe FoldnDark was actually Trump?


Alright. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders it is.

I always remind myself that I’m there to observe before I enter. They were high school buddies and I actually liked her better than the other girl. The guy seemed ok but he took part in coordinated attacks on the girl I liked least, so maybe he’s just better at masking his toxicity than the other two. 40 year olds can be so obnoxious.

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Damn, that’s an insightful strategy. Probably healthy on your part, eh? Some fights turn you into the asshole no matter how right you are.

Did the girl you like least appear to be in on it? I’ve been in the middle of some apparently toxic dynamics where really we were all just being humorous edgelords. Not that it makes what was said okay. Great, the three people in Trump’s locker room laughed. It’s still offensive. Etc etc.
( twitter | raw text )

I seriously doubt there will be anyone murdered at the polls

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I’ve been using this strategy for 13 months and it works great. I have no emotional stake and walk out feeling calm. The third wheel was definitely in on it and her strategy was to talk over people, interrupt, roll eyes, etc. Reminded me of Trump.

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I certainly hope not!

They will stand around with their trump worshiping flags and shout their slogans trying to intimidate is about it I’d guess.