The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Do I have to do it well or can I take a couple weeks pay and then shit all over him at the podium?

Q: When is the president going to release his healthcare plan?

A: In two weeks.

Q: You said that two weeks ago.

A: Yeah and you were dumb enough to fall for it then so I figured you’d still be dumb enough.

Q: Are you calling the media dumb?

A: Yes, like 49 of the 50 dumbest people in the building are in this room.

Q: Are you admitting there’s no healthcare plan?

A: Yep.

Q: But the president said two weeks!

A: I don’t know how to break it to you, but the president is completely full of shit.

Q: But he’s been saying that for two years, was there ever a plan?

A: No, he’s been saying for two years the plan was coming in two weeks. You guys all suck at your jobs.

Q: Are you saying…

A: Completely. 100 percent. Full. Of. Shit.

Q: Just to follow up on an in earlier question, who’s the 1 in the 50 dumb people not in this room?

A: Holy fuck you guys are slow on the uptake.


I think you’ve already pretty much summed it up.


The America First caravan, brought to you by TOYOTA of Portsmouth


Fluffer is a made up thing guys.

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I still think there’s a good chance that Mitt Romney will do the right thing when it comes time to vote for the SCOTUS nominee. He’s always been more of a McCain-style Republican, having at least some amount of integrity and honor and decency.

After voting to remove Trump during the impeachment trial, I just don’t see how he could now turn around and vote to confirm someone like Barrett for a lifetime appointment of this magnitude.

I think he will consider his own legacy, spend some time in thoughtful prayer, and then vote “no” in order to do his part to pull the nation back from the brink.


lol i didnt catch the screename at first


You jest, but I give it ten years before the next QAnon has persuaded huge swathes of people to believe Hitler, Elvis, and Epstein are all hiding on the same island.

Because obviously

You have got to be motherfucking kidding me, how can anyone say that after all we’ve [checks screen name] … Oh, carry on.



Andrew Breitbart had a surprising and untimely death.

The West Wing should be banned from the airwaves.

Even that opening music is just so puke. Conjuring emotions that make us feel like these are good people we’re watching even when we disagree with them when in real life 95% of them are among the most villainous.

I’ve never seen the West Wing and it takes no more than watching the opening credits to dismiss it as contemptible propaganda.

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It’s tremendous escapism when the world is going to shit. One must simply understand that’s all it is.

So, I guess you won’t be watching the reunion episode in October?
( twitter | raw text )

2020 is worse than talking to a Microsoft technician


that big Hispanic movement in the 1860s

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2020 is worse than taking a big chug of your beer only to realize it’s not your beer but the spittoon someone has been using all night.