The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Like, Ben Sasse is still in the Senate with zero chance of losing his seat. Fuck that guy. What an irredeemable scumbag piece of shit.

Every day is a new level of Trump saying something he’s going to do or doing something he said he would that everyone was assuring would never happen in USA#9


After hearing about this plan to bypass the election and have state legislatures put forth electors, I’m onboard with the Ohio is hopeless crowd. Our batshit state legislature will be all over that shit.
( twitter | raw text )

It’s time? It’s fucking time??

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Wonder how fast the alleged shooter gets indicted in Louisville.

F the police

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Nate Silver is a fucking moron.




If you were a starving dwarf in an orchard you’d die of hunger because Nate Silver picked all of the low-hanging fruit and flipped it for profit.

( twitter | raw text )

lmao that’s not even the worst one!

life comes at you fast and all that


Sometimes we say “this is what we’re up against.” But here the lesson is more like “this is what we’re working with.”


Rhetoric from Washington and Brussels has not been matched by significant actions.

  • The EU failed earlier this week to pass sanctions on Belarusian officials because Cyprus, one of the smallest EU member states, objected due to an unrelated matter.
  • European leaders have vowed to raise the issue again, and Borrell warned “our credibility is at stake.”

Yeah I had seen that tweet earlier. I guess it’s good that he’s walking it back, but of course he’s only doing it talking about people who are being ridiculous with “doom porn.”

The truth is that Nate Silver is in the upper echelons of intelligence even among people on this board. There’s at least one more extremely intelligent person on this board who commits the same fallacy of just thinking that they are oh so much more reasonable than all the people predicting doom and gloom.

Really smart people are subject to normalcy bias too. Just because the nutters always predict nutty stuff doesn’t make the people predicting nutty stuff now nutters.


At this point we could use a LawAndOrderBot to reply automatically. :smiley:

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Nate Silver is one of many in a long long line of people who thinks that because that got something right in the past and got universal acclaim for it, they are always right about everything from that point forward.

To be fair, it’s his job to pretend this in order to sell his website.

I get what your saying, so this is more of an addendum than disagreement.



He’s a typical example of his type - a calculating machine with poor perceptive abilities.

It would be far better for everyone if he restricted his tweets to raw numbers: his political/human reads are embarrassing. It’s like half his brain is missing.

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