The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I haven’t really internalized what I’ll do when that happens or how I’ll deal with it. Were probably all just holding onto hope that it wont happen.

Nobody is prepared for when it does, except JohnnyTraunt. Even then the whole world is going to be in big trouble.


Maybe the new supreme court will rule against trump to make themselves seem legitimate? Lol

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Same problem I have. And I can’t even really quit in a timely manner as I own the business and have a ton of half finished cases.

JT has so far been completely correct and justified in his alarmism. That’s the scary part.


If we’re being honest the signs for impending global and existential change were there before Trump. So many microcosms have reflected this its just easier to ignore when every day that goes by sees an equal number of distractions.

I’m curious if TPTB have something akin to a quantum computer and they have run enough simulations and decided that WAAF and its just a matter of logistics and who will rise up from the ashes to write the new bible and create the new gods.

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I think I was one of the posters who posted that it was time to leave & JT replyed to it asking why, I laid out some minor but large points and he took note, literally 2/3 months later he decided it was time to go and I don’t blame him as I always knew his status, anyone in JT’s status should be moving out, imo.

This was way before the pandemic and alough I left somethings out of just why he should pack up, my main reasons was he has no-one in power that would fight his side, or to be able to aid.

I’ve never regretted posting that it was time to leave, I just wish I had the funds and job opportunities to goto the EU zone.


Yes. You would find it VERY easy to ghostwrite these. It’s naked propaganda endlessly replaying the greatest hits. You wouldn’t need to do much more than Mason’s wikipedia book. Just download transcripts of the leading conservative broadcasts and rewrite them into the branded author’s voice. Go back over it once just to insert a dozen or so citations so that it all looks legit and well researched.

For $50k a book and no heat without my name on the front, I could churn out one or two a month. I assume the UP coffers have enough to supply me with a six-month retainer so that I use my powers for good.


What’s her reasoning as I’m assuming it’s different from yours?

Dr. Fauci just did a nice job of shooting down Rand Paul who was trying to assert that reacting to the virus like Sweden did would somehow reduce the death rate here.

This is pretty effective. IDK why it’s labeled as about Kayleigh, the escalation is all about Trump deflecting over and over as more people die.


it’s easier to direct people’s rage at a woman. i prefer to focus on melania, but kayleigh is a piece of trash too

melania trump was literally banging guys for crack in the late 90s. it’s true! it’s true.

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A bunch of videos of him directly looking at a visible teleprompter. Hmm.


In the letter, Knight says that administration officials pressured her to “admit that she and her team had missed something or made a mistake,” or to at least concede the key determinations could at least be explained as a difference of opinion. “Ms. Knight responded that this was not a difference of opinion, but was rather a difference between a prepublication review process conducted with the goal of producing a publishable manuscript and a classification review process conducted with the goal of blocking publication,” the letter states.

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