The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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Seems that way, also seems less than legal but hell who has to worry about that as gop in about 30 days?

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No, it mean all those businesses stop bias training. Government contracts are worth more $$ than appeasing those pesky social justice warriors.

Seriously wtf at this though. It’s straight up North Korea dear leader insanity.

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Why the fuck is Bloomberg raising money for this? Orlando Post estimates that the total
Amount of fees was in the realm of $500M. He could snap his fingers and make all the debt go away.

And grantees. So universities too? State/Local government?

Among the many things I do not know, this is one.

Lol Mike Bloomberg “raising” $16 million. He’s worth $50 billion. That’s like a guy worth $5 million “raising” $1,600.


For me at least gloating about Bloomberg donating ~16% of Trumps remaining campaign money to pay off felons tabs in Florida is the fact that I told the Trumpbot a week back that making shitty tweets at the 16th richest guy in the world when you’re out of money over a month from the election is a bad move. I said something about Bloomberg just making Uber free in FL on election day.

But yes I’m on board for a fortisimo fuck Mike Bloomberg any day of the week. That guy is the fucking worst. The 16M is no doubt the smallest number he thought he could give to get the headlines he wanted and make Donald feel like shit for a few minutes, which is really what he spent the money on. Spite.

You left out Loveline, a huge part of his career. He left Loveline to take over Stern’s spot when Stern left for satellite, and that didn’t work out for him.

How the hell does Trump win with the Democrats taking the senate?

those models are junk that’s why

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Yup, they can basically be thrown out.

Anyone who has done serious probabilistic modeling knows that once you compute scenarios with multiple theoretically independent variables, some absurd outcomes that are technically possible but vanishingly improbable due to covariance are produced.

Standard practice in this situation is to bury these outcomes to make the data look more reasonable, submit your invoice, and hope they don’t ask too many questions.



Wow, my company is a very large firm that has taken a surprisingly progressive approach to gender and racial equality and also does a lot of business with the government. This will be interesting.

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Don’t worry, they’re just a bunch of idiots and incompetents throwing red meat to their drooling masses of followers.

Literally nothing will change.

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Nate didn’t treat them as independent. That’s the outcome of full election sims. It’s easily possible given the Senate map and current polling (Kelly ahead of Biden in AZ, Cunningham ahead in NC). The entire Pres election rests on PA, WI, FL, where there are no Senate elections.

Always crazy when people assume Nate Is making like second semester undergraduate errors in his modeling.

Also @eyebooger since he asked the question.

The crazier figure by far is 10% for GOP to take back the House. It probably is 10% irl because of extraordinary rigging, but the model doesn’t assume that, so it seems like it should be much lower, but Nate likes his fat tails or w/e.


Uh, sorta joking with my post there, as I thought was clear in the last paragraph.

To be clear, Nate’s models are in fact trash, but that’s because they assume reasonably free and fair vote counting.

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