The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

What Saturday morning cartoons will become under a Trump dictatorship

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Of course he’s not broke. This is part of his revenue strategy.


Oh, it’s definitely this, I mean…

…there’s a reason he’s still most famous for this and Jimmy Kimmel isn’t.


It does make me sad that the most fun hosts of Singled Out and Loveline ended up being the most unlikable for me


I kind of want to see some full episodes of SJWs.


I mean, I know Chris Hardwick is a nerd, but unlikeable?

Yes, I know you mean Carmen Electra.


Carolla used to be one of the biggest podcasters out there 4-5 years ago. Idk how much money you can make off those but he was huge for a while. I listened to him a lot before it became just him whining the entire time about how hard life is for him nowadays because liberals. He got sued by a patent troll, made a big deal about that and solicited over a million in donations from his listeners, and I guess the suit was settled because it went away and he is still podcasting. I think he owns (“produces”) some other podcasts and may also own a studio and engineer company that makes his podcasts and others’.

He also had a reality show where he and some muscle-bound meathead and a hot girl who was meathead’s wife went around busting contractors who did shoddy work in SoCal and made them fix it. Apparently he was qualified to do this because he used to work construction while he was doing open mics trying to make it as a comedian. He was there mainly to tell jokes and shit on the contractors. It wasn’t a great show, seemed as staged as any Spike TV reality show, and only lasted a couple seasons I think.

He was a semi-reg on Bildo Reilly before Fox shitcanned him.

He played “Death” in a recurring role on Family Guy, because noted liberal Seth MacFarlane keeps giving guys like him and James Woods work for some heretofore unknown reason.

That’s it for his career since Teh Man Show afaik.


Sounds like Joe Rogan ate his lunch in terms of turning podcast fame into serious wealth.

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I loved Jenny McCarthy. But goddamn this vaccine stuff. And she has a radio show now where she tells stories that are just as funny. I enjoy watching The Masked Singer. She’s still got it. But holy shit, promoting chelation therapy as a cure for autism!!!

Don’t forget The Celebrity Apprentice

The optics of hosting a whineathon and surrounding yourself with Shapiro and whomever that grotesque looking white guy is are not good. Not to mention Shapiro has to be one of least canceled guys on earth.

If he has money why is he putting himself through this? That is why I asked if he is broke even though he is surrounded by his car collection. Who in their right mind would keep self-impaling what is left of their career like this if they didn’t have to?

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He is a true believer and insane. Back when I listened to Rogan even he said he was a right wing nut.




All of the above?

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Very much this. For these people their fictional narrative about why they are rich and what that means about their value as a person means way, way more to them than the actual material wealth. Rage is a potent force.


Joe Rogan at least has some tough guy MMA bro cred. I have no clue why some twerpy-looking guy like Ben Shapiro has become an alt-right icon.

Digging deeper…Adam apparently has no time for a career. It looks like his main podcast is daily and runs between 45 mins to OVER TWO HOURS. Jesus I know he is capable of blathering on for a while but good god!

He also has another weekly podcast called Reasonable Doubt with Mark Geragos, lawbro, and I guess they talk about law stuff. Looks like it runs an hour.

And these are on top of the one he still does with Dr. Drew which drops every three days or so and runs about 40 minutes. The one which I used to listen to and which was still really good as long as they were taking calls from real people and not talking politics (or it wasn’t just Adam whining about Drew being on his phone or touching the mic…Adam would seriously go on ten-minute derailments whenever Drew or another guest dared to so much as graze the microphone).

No wonder he doesn’t work, he never leaves the podcast studio.

He’s explicitly giving toxic men permission to be assholes. Of course they eat that up.

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Okay he also hosts All Balls All Sports, a sports podcast. Also daily lol