The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

The advice from his strategists is: be wildly inconsistent and sometimes talk about progressive stuff, sometimes talk about moderate stuff, sometimes talk about personal stuff, and we’ll try to get each message delivered to it’s respective target market. The fact that the policy stuff isn’t finding you is perhaps alarming.
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I mean, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not reading the daily articles about Biden policy releases or whatever. Which, maybe I should, but if I’m not reading them that means 100% of persuadable voters aren’t reading them either. So relying on newspapers to get the policy message out probably isn’t a good strategy.

I’m a white guy with money so it’s possible they’re doing a good job targeting me generally, based on demographics, as “Joe is a nice guy” probably plays better than “Joe will tax the rich” among what the campaign would see as my peer group.

True but let’s be fair as well. It’s seems some of the reason this stuff isn’t discussed here is the general belief Biden is awful so people don’t pay attention to his platform for fear of undercutting that idea. When his platform is discussed it’s just waved away as “lies” or meaningless.


I have to say I am a bit torn on this. On one hand by having no real discernable in your face policy agenda to the low info voter (or hell even to us really) you allow people to assume Biden is just a return to the Obama era and a return to normality. It also makes the RADICAL LIBERAL SOCIALIST MARXIST COMMIE drumbeat from the right that much less effective. On the other hand legalizing marijuana, m4a, canceling student debt and the like are wildly popular and seem like slam dunks to run on. Especially when Trump literally has no platform except racism and fear.

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I don’t disagree, but the bigger question is why there isn’t a widely known catchy slogan and logo to capture the essence of Biden’s promise. We will all remember Hope and Change for the rest of our lives. And, regrettable, MAGA will be a part of the political lexicon for the rest of our lives as well. Biden desperately needs a simple hook to hammer repeatedly hammer repeatedly hammer repeatedly. It works!

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This B10 football thing I fear is extremely bad news.


lol “helped”


I thought the same thing. Then I wondered if someone voting based on Big Ten football is really a potential Biden voter anyway. Additionally, there will be no fans, another reminder of his virus failures.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the polls.

This fuckface is correcting other people’s spelling now?



Tbf… This is also your president
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Lol big ten football. News flash, Midwest white males who care about football are substantially all voting for Trump no matter what. It’s their wives we’ve got to peel away and they DGAF

This stuff can even be tied in to the “Joe’s a nice guy” story they so desperately want to tell. All of those policies derive from empathy and acknowledging that you care about your fellow man. Fucking use the slogan “Joe Cares” and tack on a bunch of promises to alleviate student debt, provide more health care, acknowledge climate change. People need to connect “Joe is nice” to “Joe will help me”.


It might be better to try to trigger Trump into an angry meltdown without being an obvious asshole about it. Some of this will simply be calling him out on his lies. I am a fan of the idea of questioning his manhood in terms that offend people like Trump.