The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Can we rename the thread now?

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: 4 More Deers

And yes I know the plural is not deers.


More normal, healthy democracy type stuff. Lol if publishing a book is what lands Bolton in prison. Barr is a monster.

Speaking of books
Also way to cough into that hand Kilmeade, we’re only 6 fucking months into this pandemic.

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No wonder. I hate horror.

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Definitely don’t swerve to avoid a deer. Best bet is to brake as quickly as possible and keep the car straight.


Someone needs to extract this deerail


Can we get back to the destruction of democracy and the rise of fascism in this thread? I’d like some more WAAF takes, please.

“What is the first chapter about?”


he’s clowning around about his historic middle east peace deal right now.

He will make a deal with Iran too, just gotta get re-elected first.

Deer like graveyards. It’s the grass, I suppose. Maybe there’s a Stephen King novel in there somewhere.

There’s a graveyard here in SLC up on the bench where whole herds come down. You have to be careful driving along the edge of it at night. I’ve seen them in all parts of the city. On the university campus, casually walking down the sidewalk along a busy road, on the grounds of the Capitol, and in neighborhoods.

Earlier this summer, a doe popped out about 10 feet in front of me and skipped into a yard across the street. I was riding my bike so I probably would have taken the worst of it in a collision.

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We found the good apple?


This is correct. But in my experience your instincts take over. I do not recommend swerving, although with the front end of a Camaro it may have saved me. On the other hand, spinning off the road or flipping would be very very bad. Don’t swerve.

If someone would put a deerrail in maybe they’d ride it and stay off the damn road.


When our society collapses and humanity wipes itself out, deer will be the noble inheritors of our safe highways and byways.

On topic enough for ya?


if biden wins, D’s lose in 2022. Maybe they stay even in the senate due to the map though.

I can tie the deer thing to politics.

It’s like a metaphor that really happened. I’m gonna spoiler this because it’s not really safe for life.

When I was in jr. high, the mayor of our town, and a good family friend, was killed when an ONCOMING car hit a deer, tossed it in the air, and it landed on the hood of our friend’s car with the feet pointing toward the windshield. The momentum carried the deer into the car, the hooves broke the glass, and one of the deer’s hooves hit our friend in the face, broke his facial bones, and drove them up into his brain, killing him instantly.

He was a great mayor, progressive, got a lot of good stuff done for the local schools and was universally loved. So of course the universe or god or whatever has to take him out in the most horrific way imaginable.

He was replaced by a former cop who eventually allowed the KKK to march through our town. :expressionless:

This was over 30 years ago. We’ve been fucked for a while.

(I have also hit a deer. I was driving my mom’s old plymouth laser, and the hood was just low enough that it scooped up the deer, threw it in the air, and we drove right underneath. It landed behind us and ran off.)


If Democrats sweep and somehow fail to add DC and Puerto Rico and/or nuke the filibuster I think I’ll completely lose the capacity to care anymore.


Get him strapped in Clockwark Orange style and use the Ludovico Technique to turn him into a liberal.

Eh… if you know what’s next to you swerving and slowing down are fine. You need to prioritize maintaining control of the vehicle though.

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I’ll go full burn it all down