The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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How does it give small states more power anyways? 2 EC vote states don’t matter now and wouldn’t matter with popular vote

+1 on not sounding British, but I’ve come across a good number of Asian folks (particularly Southeast Asian) who learn British English when growing up and end up sounding kind of like that. It was a short clip, though, so I’d need more to fully assess.

EC was designed to keep the power in the powerful’s hands and to expressly avoid the people from having any true agency (same with the House not having any power to get any laws through without the express approval of the ‘elite’ Senate). It’s purely undemocratic in design and was intentional.

Much like today, the founders thought the people who lived here are stupid and incapable of making good choices. In this country, there are more smart people (or at least ones capable of making a good choice) than there ever were then. We’re now facing tyranny due to the power being vested in this minority of stupid people.

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Actually could make the case small pop places matter more with popular vote

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You have to look at it as a ratio of people per EC vote. Wyoming gets 3 even though there’s less than 600,000 people there while California gets 54 EVs for 40 million people. That is completely out of whack.

The EC was, in a way, prescient in that it was designed with the assumption that people were too stupid to pick a qualified world leader and needed bright minds to prevent a catastrophe. Little did they know that we would prove that they were right. Their mistake was thinking that the electors weren’t stupid as well.

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Yea I didn’t think of that but even if that was a swing state would people be actually working to get those votes?

I’ll put in a vote for “foreign accent syndrome”.


Also they should def just make it like 1 mil pop= 1 vote or some shit for EC,

That is fucking insane even by his standards.

This reminds me that I met an Asian dude with a very similar accent. When I asked him where he was from he revealed that he was born and raised in Dallas. He said he gets asked about his accent a lot, but he doesn’t really hear it and that it sounds normal to him.

He was clearly doing something intentional as he also spelled everything British too (e.g. colour). We worked in the same place for only a few weeks, so I never got to the bottom of it. Not sure what his angle was.

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Donna Changstein Syndrome



Just to be sure, he never said anything about the two people that were gunned down in Kenosha, right? I guess he only mourns when it’s one of his own that gets killed.


One Halloween when I was a graduate student, I taught consecutive classes dressed in a bathrobe while lecturing with an English accent.


For some reason an image of Richard E Grant came into my head, and he wasn’t British either.

Or was he?

I always thought or maybe imagined I detected a slight Southern Africa accent in him.

Ha, my examples were California and SD. People should have power, not states. She countered that there may be circumstances where the EC might well keep a bad person from being elected. (I think DS for one has argued that too?) I think it’s an argument out of a HS history textbook. Except “small states” really means slave states. And anyway, what good is that if Trump is about to blow away the whole system?

Where? When has the EC ever prevented a bad candidate from winning? It’s always caused the nightmare candidate they were supposedly trying to protect against to win.