The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

this is also correct, they can’t be on the wrong side cuz the other side SUPPORTS KILLING BABIES

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I feel like the senate would not confirm any of them.

Seems like his finger should be permanently mashed without sweating on the Sell books in September button. Woodward’s been pretty consistently awful about stuff like this (being in the know and doing nothing about it) since, oh, I don’t know at least 2000.

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Ted Cruz.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Best joke ever.

The Senate always confirms their own. Better question is why would any of them want it. They all want to be President, not on SCOTUS.

Ted Cruz is the most disliked member of the Senate, everyone supposedly hates him

Which is possibly why he’s considering putting them onto the SC. He sees himself as a Caesar now and he’s worried about plotters; if he wins it will be closer to Caligula.



“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said in February.

RE: Trump downplaying the virus

His followers think we’re overreacting to the virus now. They will applaud his efforts to keep us from overreacting then.


looks like they’re going with the “aww, y’all a bunch of triggered snowflakes” gambit instead

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 2.55.43 PM
( twitter | raw text )

this is the real damage. Trump likes to talk about “rebuilding the military” (because, like, mean old Obama wouldn’t give the army any bullets) but he has absolutely decimated the US’s ability to project power. The system of alliances we had was the biggest force multiplier the world had ever seen and he’s absolutely trashed it. He has zero ability to comprehend any multilateral deals, anything more complex than a zero-sum struggle over a prize is over his head.


Are any Trumpkins taking this release seriously? Like, we knew at the time Trump was full of shit when he said cases were going down to zero, and lots of people said as much. No Trumpkin gave a shit. We’ve known for months specifically that Trump was briefed in January about the severity of the pandemic, and then he lied about it to the tune of a couple hundred thousand dead, and not a single Trumpkin fuck was given. I think this is good for sucking the air out of the room, but it’s not changing anyone’s mind.

Right on schedule…


“TrumpKnew” also has echos of Watergate. The question back then was, famously, “What did the President know and when did he know it?”

But it sort of takes some of the drama out of it when you have the president on tape saying “Hi Bob, today is March 19 and I know everything.”





When it mattered, the release could have been important toward saving people’s lives. There are people who entertained the idea that Trump might have been right about it being over by Easter. As it neared Easter and it kept growing they stopped trusting him and continued to listen to the health experts over him. Imagine this tape out in early April. We never get ‘liberate’. Woodward’s got a lot of blood on his hands here but hopefully that extra million bucks on top of his other millions will be useful to him.

Waiting til now means it no longer matters and it won’t move the needle at all toward changing anyone’s mind. Like I said, the GOP controlled Senate knew Trump was botching COVID-19 response during his impeachment trial. They ignored it when they could have removed him and saved the country from a lot of unnecessary pain. They thought doing that would cost them the election, but here we are with his response on track to cost them not just the presidential election but also the Senate. The GOP remains as dumb as it ever was.