The Pets of Unstuck

Our current foster dog had/has heartworm, this is my first experience with a dog that is going through treatment and apparently they aren’t supposed to exercise or do anything that elevates their heartrate. It’s quite sad watching him get all excited when we put our walking gear on the other dogs and then we have to leave him at home. Or he starts getting excited and wants to play but we have to stop him.

He’s an older guy who came to us fairly overweight, heartworm, awful ear infections that we’re currently try to treat (the smell coming out of his ears was vomit inducing) and a couple cracked teeth and his front teeth are ground down to little nubs. At least he’s not scared and is great around people.

Fostering dogs sometimes really makes me hate humans, like fuck off and die if you aren’t going to even take the slightest bit of care of your animal.


My daughter fostered a litter of kittens several years ago. She became attached to one she had named Bowie and asked if she could keep her. I liked her sister, Annabelle and suggested we should keep her as well so they can grow up together. Needless to say, we don’t foster anymore. 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a god damned rabbit.


It is difficult letting them go but most of ours have been pretty short stints before they were adopted. We are thinking of keeping this one though.

I know myself and my wife way too well to ever “foster” an animal. There is literally zero chance I’d ever let one leave.


We’re 0/2 on fostering dogs and them ever leaving


Cool, I’ve noticed my breeder’s pointers tend to die around 12-13 and never quite make it to 14.
They seem extremely mobile and active right up to about 10 and still move around and run a bit up until 12.

If I could get one to be active until 14 and last until 16+ that would be awesome.

I saw coyotes a couple of times as a kid in Massachusetts and they were mangy fox-looking things. These urban California coyotes are here to do business and I don’t like it. I am too lazy to edit the video before posting, nothing happens after the coyotes pass.

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Those two look ridiculously well fed. Have there been a lot of missing pets in the area?

Yes, these coyotes have a steady diet of cats, various other animals, trash, etc. Seeing the whole pack of 7+ together in the morning dark is pretty chilling, even when I know they’re extremely unlikely to attack me/my dog when I’m with her. I have to keep my head on a swivel, though - one tried to sneak up on my dog while she was pooping last week.

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I wonder if bear spray would work on them? If nothing else it might teach them not to fuck with you…

It would absolutely work, as would regular pepper spray, but the issue is there’s a pretty good chance some spray would drift back into my eyes. If I’m trying to save my life from a bear that’s fine, but the coyotes are a near-daily occurrence for me.

I stay vigilant and carry a self-defense bat. Also when my dog sees them she goes absolutely apeshit, which definitely spooks them. She’s only 30 pounds but they want easy pickings, and she would not be that. My wife’s dog is 15 pounds and she’s usually on headphones while walking, so that one is definitely at risk.


I’m trying to get used to the notion of coyotes being around. That wasn’t a thing where I lived back east. I was at the dog park a couple days ago and one guy was talking about a local coyote that was well known for playing with dogs. He had even let his dog (maybe 70 lbs or so) play with it a few times, which I definitely would not have done. Thankfully it sounds like it was removed from the area.


Wasn’t there a great “help I’m surrounded by coyotes” thread on 2p2? Quick googling didn’t turn anything up. Maybe it was a different board.

Probably thinking of coyoteplanet or slow coyote express.


I’ve heard in the past that coyotes will pretend to play with dogs in order to lure them to their doom, but I just Googled that and people say that’s a myth. Either way, sounds like a bad idea for both the dog and the coyote.

Humans are the kings of bad ideas.

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Coyotes everywhere up here a little North and East of LFS. We’re going into mating season which means all the horny Chad coyotes will be out until sunrise looking for some you know what.

I’m mostly comfortable with it, as I keep my head up and am frequently looking around. Plus my dogs are big enough to not look like easy breakfast. With that said, coyotes are opportunists and if the taking looks good, then they’re gonna be at least interested in trying to take.

I’ve had a coyote saunter past me from behind, right up the middle of the street. Had absolutely no idea he was coming. Also had one literally jump out from behind a tree just 15’ in front of me, it was like he was thinking of making a move but then realized I was a big human and called it off.

Maybe I’ll start carrying a little air horn. No need to FAFO.

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I just realized I never actually followed through with my follow up of pictures of Louis after the first one.

So, here ya go, our newest family member, Louis. Now 6 months old.

Pic 1 is him playing dead I guess on his favorite rug
2 is him posing for long cat monthly
3 is him seeing rain for the first time
and 4 is his burrow man pose because I guess he is part mole and will burrow into anything that is remotely hole shaped.