The Neverending Picture Game



Well, you should just guess instead of ask. When I say “yes” now, someone may beat you to it.

That’s good enough. It’s really all I know other than looking up and finding it myself. Torn extensor tendons - happened playing basketball. I didn’t go to the doctor for it, but went to one a few years later for a different injury and he said if I had had a splint they probably wouldn’t have ended up like that. They’re perfectly functional though.

I think I had insurance at the time, but not 100% sure. I was around 21 years old. I just didn’t think I needed to go.

Nate Diaz

Thread needs a revive. What or where is this? If you answer what, be specific enough to resolve to a single location.

Another angle to provide some hints:

North corner boundary stone, border line between MD and D.C.

Correct, that was faster than I expected. Should I have cropped more out of the second pic?

Didn’t use the second picture. Just searched “1792 engraved stone marker” and got to it relatively easily. Pretty interesting piece of history!

No reverse image searching for this one. It’s solvable without cheating.

Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. I’ve been there but didn’t recognize it in your photo. Googled “2 large winged gargoyles front door of building” and the second image let me to it.

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Yup, wasn’t sure if that was too easy or not but nice job either way.

This one shouldn’t be hard either. Inspired by something up thread

You picked the right words to Google. The name on the stone doesn’t lead anywhere. 2nd picture was supposed to help narrow it down to the 2 MD corner stones which I thought might be necessary because the north corner image on Wikipedia at least was taken before they unburied the bottom half of it.

I assume you’re looking for a place, right?


My wild guess is Museum of Modern Art


Yeah I have no idea how you think it’s easy. I guess it’s because I haven’t lived in America full-time in years (assuming of course that it’s there).