The National Football League

this game is legit over

Im in the zone, I called the SF result lmao

That call couldnā€™t of been in any other spot.

ā€œIm in the zone, I called the SF result lmaoā€


Dont see this from you, boy.


This is a stunner.

ha ha

OMG Titans

GOAT playcall

Hot damn

I had full confidence in the Titans after last week. Tannehill knows how to throw a football


And their defense is super legit. Both the Chiefs and Texans should be shitting themselves tonight

God damn I cannot wait for Urinating Treeā€™s video on the Ravens this week. It will be brutal

Second effort! TANNY HILL


Well goddamn

Titans are looking like a team of destiny

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Itā€™s the Longest Yard 20th anniversary revenge tour

Omg the sound on that hit.

Donā€™t feel so bad now about the Pats losing a tight game to these guys last week.

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This is embarrassing