I swear back when I was a kid when there was a normal penalty and a personal foul they were not offsetting – the personal foul was enforced. At least that what I seem to recall.
Also back when you were a kid, Troy Aikman didn’t have a Swiss cheese brain yet.
A 15 yard penalty can’t offset a 5 yard penalty I think. And a personal foul after the whistle never offsets.
Jets sent home due to pozzings. ffs
I remember - it was Titans vs. Jags on Thursday night.
wtf nfl come on
He was suspended for saying he shaves his pubes? Who doesn’t do that other than Boomers?
Old-timey football was absolutely nuts. It was taken as a given that a couple of kids would die and/or become crippled on the field every year. Just straight-up punching the QB was probably a routine move.
Doesn’t even have to be that old. Arcade style games like NFL Blitz just aren’t cool anymore.
Come on man, it’s the middle of a pandemic, don’t be so judgmental.
So if the Giants win, Eagles will be in 1st place with a 1-3-1 record and NY, Dallas, and DC will be 1-4.
Pretty huge spot for the Giants with massive playoff equity on the line, you have to imagine they will be up for it.
Wow Dak maybe done for the year. That was ugly.
Great update. “Its his right ankle”. Well yeah. Is it broken or dislocated or what?
It’s fked just a question of this year or multiple years
I swear to fucking Christ I traded for Dak on Saturday and now he’s out for the season.
Shit has ff been terrible this year
Giants have a knack of wrecking Dallas QB’s. They broke Romo’s collarbone and gave Aikman numerous concussions.
Bill Belichick probably had his first premature ejaculation watching that punt as a teenager.
I’ll take 5-1 on Mahomes if anyone is interested. Our D looks like it might suck again - which will make him have to go crazy again like 2018.