The National Football League

There are enough good OT that the Dolphins do NOT need to trade up to get one good god that’s even worse than taking Herbert

It’d be Dion Jordan all over again.

Agreed - it’s fairly likely that the OT they want will still be there at 5 (it doesn’t even seem like there is a clear best OT, so even if Giants take one at 4, the Dolphins preferred one could still be there at 5).

Given depth of OT, both Dolphins and Giants should trade down and still get an elite one. However, I enjoy bad teams doing dumb things, so think it would be more fun to see OTs be overdrafted at 3 and 4, especially with Dolphins overpaying to make an unnecessary trade up.

Schefter looks awful.

Really? I’m very excited for this one. The lack of in-person communication means boards are going to be wildly divergent. And NFL GMs mastering technology? This is the most anything-can-happen draft I can remember.

McShay got the rona

Hope he’s fine, I’d worry if Mel got it.

I was just listening to a pod, his first draft was 1979!

Listening to that pod: Mel is comparing Herbert to Josh Allen.

I see Tannehill.

It’s not an NFL draft without:

“Fullback…” “OH NO!!!”


Jets video gets me every time.

“WE WANT SAPP” lolololol

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Man I’d love to see an update of these top 10 duds

Dewayne Robertson
Dee Millner
Mark Sanchez
Vernon Gholston

I see Jake Locker

All the physical tools, none of the It factor

god I had totally forgotten about Dewayne Robertson. Sanchez doesn’t technically count as a Jets standard bust (two AFC title games) but I probably put him in the update because lol him.

Anyway, I updated it a bit ago and I still have to update it with several people. The god damn Jets.
Lee from the 16 draft was awful and is getting in. Leonard Williams ended up a fail but by Jets standards I guess he doesn’t count.

yeah it’s my own video. I’ll get around to updating this again sometime by the next draft.


We’ll see what happens with Williams. Hope he’s salvageable given that the Giants franchised him.

I watched a ton of Oregon last year because gambling and that guy is absolutely terrible at actually playing quarterback.

Shit forgot about Hackenberg. Jon Gruden claimed that he was first round material but people who followed this stuff knew he was undraftable.

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Here for the shit show. Fully expect the Giants to draft some QB clown no one’s heard of.

Gettleman’s going to swerve hard and pick Ezra Cleveland.

I just want maximum technical difficulties and zoom porn

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