The National Football League

Way under. Line Was 2:01


I almost got punched at a Bruins game because I didnā€™t stand up for the anthem.

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I mean if itā€™s in person Iā€™ll stand but Iā€™m not swearing fealty to a fucking Magnavox



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Every year I know its coming and every year Iā€™m freshly enraged.


Anyone know if this is being played in America?

JFC how much ra ra America bullshit are we going to have?

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Ffs theyā€™ve really taken the military worship up to 11


Standing for the Anthem is the ultimate in political correctness. The only reason we do it is to be politically correct. I sat on my ass through America the Beautiful and the Star Spangled Banner here in my living room. So did everyone else in their living rooms. I guess weā€™re all unpatriotic. Not standing for the Ode to Donny Dumdum at halftime either.


I was in one of those private boxes sitting at a bar and hardly paying attention because the game hadnā€™t started. Normally I would stand but when someone says, ā€œhey asshole, stand the fuck upā€, I decided like fuck I would.

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The flag was kinda liddle tho

Lol Chiefs not understanding how deferrement works


I have season tickets for college football and I really want to not stand for the anthem but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll be attacked.

Nice country we live in.

Who was that guy anyways? The punter?

Havenā€™t seen ā€œJake from State Farmā€ in quite a while.

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I mean, admittedly Iā€™m not American, but every year I mute the TV and do something else till kick off, mute over halftime, and then go to bed when itā€™s over. Am pretty sure anything else is just wrong.

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Godgers took his jerb during preseason

He caught the AIDS, I mean coronavirus.

Alright that was pretty cool

Cops come and tackle the kid

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