The Milwaukee Melee / GOP Debate Thread

“Are you bought and paid for?”


Bring our jobs home from China?

I honestly didn’t think these people would be that bad at this. Not one comes off anything close to being authentic.

I’m a southern boy I talk slow.

ding ding ding

what about vivek?

Tom Scott has to understand that the Republican base doesn’t care about this ‘climb out of poverty’ stuff.

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Single mom upbringing just lost him his 0.5% of maybes

moderators just letting him run cause nobody cares what he has to say

Not a single answer about what to do about climate change. Incredible

I think there was at least one “hoax” comment.

Holy shit these ads

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I have to give it up to that woman who won’t be the nominee, she did say something about climate change, but boiled down to tell China to cut it out

Not a single woke mention yet. Disappointed

Fair, no domestic solutions then

Pence is the closest one. He’s objectively solid at debating. General election VP debates do just about nothing, but I did find him to be uncomfortably good at those in both 2016 and 2020.

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“what do you say to kids who are worried about climate change?”

everyone completely dodges the question

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Gotta close with your strongest material, man. Skynyrd doesn’t play Freebird in the middle of the show

This is indistinguishable from those scam ads at the bottom of webpages

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Contraception 6th on the list seems a little late