The Inso0 AMA: Now featuring, "it's just a flu"

Tell you what, once we’re done here I will personally go down the entire list of voters and knock on every door of every address and get you a list of those who aren’t valid. If the various local election commissions will then provide me with the historical voting data for those names, I’ll post the full list here for you. Deal?

Until then, we’ll agree to disagree.


I have registered and voted at three different addresses in the past 20 years using nothing but a utility bill and random other piece of mail that matches the name/address on the utility bill, in my cases usually a cable/internet bill. I have no reason to lie about this because it’s easily reproduced by anyone who wants to try.

If we could create a proper voting database tied to citizenship records like births and other government records, I’m all for that as well. You’ll have the exact same complaints though about disenfranchisement. Kids born in the backyard hot tub to weirdo parents, mountain men, illegal immigrants who pay taxes but don’t get a say in how they’re spent, etc. So we’re back to blaze orange thumbs ensuring one man one vote. That’ll be enough for me. If the thumbs decide that America becomes a socialist utopia, then I guess that’s how it’s gonna be. But don’t hide behind this fantasy about massive numbers of people not having an ID. As it is now, even if you do show up to vote without an ID, you still get a ballot, but it goes into the provisional pile and you have to sign off on something stating you’re not trying to pull one over on us.

I promise I’m done responding to voter ID stuff now. One man one vote, that’s my stance.

ProjectVote puts the number at 7% of ALL Americans, and for some reason they included 17 year olds in that count. Not everyone votes. I’m concerned with people who want to vote, and there’s no reason for that number to be higher than 0% because it is free and easy to obtain one.

How is that doing? I see people on it, but haven’t touched it myself.

I have a fun screenshot from my brother who was talking to someone playing it and it goes something like this:

B: How’s classic? AV is out, yeah?
X: Pretty good, we’re getting our grind on.
X: It’s like X minutes per match, times Y per match, so about 130 hours to finish rep.
B: All for 1% crit?
X: Yeah…

I’m not doing it justice off the top of my head, but I laughed at it and to each their own. If even 2% of the Classic players try retail and increase the number of people who participate in arenas, I’m all for it.

You’re talking to someone who would absolutely play (and did, as recently as 2011) a replica of the 1997 Ultima Online experience, so I understand the power of nostalgia. Pre Patch 16 Ultima Online is the GOAT, and it’s not close.

That place is Wisconsin. Again, I did this personally three times. Sussex, Milwaukee, and Wauwatosa. WE Energies bill + Time Warner Cable bill = here’s your ballot, Mr. Inso0. You’re now permanently on the voter rolls in our ward. No other questions asked until Voter ID passed here.

Just have to say, excellent job guys not banning this loser and instead providing a platform for him to spread more AIDS. Well done.


What system? Absolutely none of this involved computers. It was a lady at a table with a stack of forms. Again, why would I make this up when it’s so easily verifiable?

Here are acceptable items for Proof of Residency:

If I’m not remembering something correctly, it turns out that it was the part about needing TWO of the documents in the PDF.

Apparently you only needed one and I was just an overachiever:

All voters MUST provide a Proof of Residence Document when registering. If you register to vote by mail, inperson in your clerk’s office, or at your polling place on Election Day, you need to provide a Proof of Residence document. If you register online at, your valid State of Wisconsin driver license or State of Wisconsin ID card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) qualifies as a valid Proof of Residence document.

So one proof of residency document and a smile. That was enough to get you a ballot on election day in Wisconsin. Even if they did catch you using a fake name (how?) your ballot goes into the same machine as everyone else without any identifying information tied to it.

I found it in writing for you, a report from the Government Accountability Board in 2012:

From page 5:

The current voter registration system in Wisconsin is a paper-based process, which presents
numerous opportunities for mistakes in completing and processing registration forms. EDR offers
eligible voters an opportunity to correct administrative mistakes made by the voter or election
officials and to cast regular ballots. As a result, poll workers in Wisconsin and other EDR states
issue exponentially fewer provisional ballots than states that do not allow EDR.

Under Wisconsin law, a voter registering on Election Day must provide a current identifying proof
of residence document that shows the voter’s full name and current address. The list of acceptable
identifying documents is almost identical to the type of identification set out in the Help America
Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) for first-time voters who register by mail. This requirement has been in
effect since EDR was established. Most individuals who register to vote on Election Day provide a
current Wisconsin driver license or state ID card.

You could use an ID as your proof of residence, but in my case my official drivers license wouldn’t have helped because it had an old address on it, so I used the utility bills instead.

I’m sure there was a box on the registration form that said, “by checking this box, I state that I am totally a legal citizen of voting age and would definitely not lie about it.”

Voter fraud is not a thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s a completely made up boogie man so debating it’s solutions is like debating on the best way to keep leprechauns from stealing the carrots in your garden.

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Grunching if this were true we wouldn’t be at the edge of oblivion and all the racist, sexist, ignorants who have put us there would be part of the marginalized outgroup they deserve to be in. Instead we’re here.

Sorry dude. Your link is one excuse after another as to why the consultants can’t come to a meaningful conclusion. Your presentation of this bullshit link as evidence leads me to believe you’re not here to argue in good faith.

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Why does only one party want to commit voter fraud? There is nothing about the fundamental premise that makes it partisan.

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Inso, like all conservatives, believe :100: that we need to limit voting in order to protect against voter fraud.

But that implies democrats are okay with republican voter fraud?

Why would democrats be okay with fake republican votes?

Why do leprechauns only steal every second carrot from my garden?

Letting brown people vote is a 100% partisan issue, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Grunching the vote discussion @Trolly and @Inso0

The idea that undocumented people are voting in any significant numbers is idiotic. Really idiotic. They don’t vote. Citizens don’t even vote that much and essentially no one is risking deportation for the chance to have almost no impact on anything. But should they be allowed to? Sure as shit. There, the argument has been made. Undocumented residents should absoposifuckinglutely be able to vote - encouraged to for fuck’s sake.



Grunching here but is Inso0 the same guy who thinks dinosaurs never existed because their nostrils are too small?



I must have missed this the first time around. Since this is an AMA, Inso0, do you think dinosaurs existed? If not why not?

If you used to think they didn’t exist but have changed your opinion, what was the basis for your earlier opinion.

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Now why would anyone take a fully grown animal when an adolescent would do just fine? They’re smaller, they require SIGNIFICANTLY less food, and they are more resistant to any number of ailments that older animals are not.

Let me ask you this, Mr. Evolutionist:
Can you please explain to me how a 45 ton, 90 foot long, 45 foot high Brachiosaurus can take in enough oxygen through nostrils the size of a modern day horse? Have you ever tried breathing for any length of time out of a straw only 2 mm in diameter?

Think about that, and you’ve got a much larger problem on your hands than fitting a dinosaur on a boat.


No, but we just roll with it now because it makes people feel better about themselves.