The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work


it’s pretty incredible how productivity skyrockets for 70 years since ww2 and wages barely grow and then wages start to rise just a bit and now we need to bash those wages down and start a recession, preaching to the choir im sure


This happened at my last job. Small accounting firm. Had the beauty of a job where I had like 25-30 clients I did monthly after the fact accounting for. Probably took about 15-20 hours tops.

Then we went from 9 accountants to 6 and I had 55 clients and got a 3k raise

Nah man I’m good.

That’s another thing I worry about because my company absolutely would do that.

Like on the tech side, my immediate boss is basically my backup for a lot of things and I’m his backup for a smaller number of things that he primarily handles, plus he deals with administrative nonsense and purchasing and maintaining warranties and other annoying stuff.

He’s 62 or so, and I guarantee when he retires in a few years they’re gonna be like “so gman42, this is a great opportunity for you. Let’s see how it goes for a year combining both positions, and then we’ll re-evaluate and take care of you” (and then no doubt offer me like 5k extra or something). Gonna have to figure out how to shut that down hard.

I once got promoted and they just didn’t replace my old position, thanks for the 10k raise now I get to do both jobs.


I’ve got a situation now, my current boss put in her 2 weeks Friday, her and I have the same title as far as corporate sees it but whenever we last reorganized she got put over the bigger market with a team helping her and I kept my smaller market with just 1 guy helping me but I technically report to her, I was fine with it and have been in that 20-30 hr a week space and feeling really comfy.

There are 3 possible people to replace her, all with same title of senior PM, one already told me he doesn’t want it cuz he’s in same comfy place as me, other person is less experienced in this area and he claims she doesn’t want it either.

I went ahead and told her boss Friday that I was interested in it but if I had to guess she’s working a lot more than me just due to the amount of work they are doing in that market and our customer is tougher to deal with there, also it would mean being responsible for both markets, essentially our whole region with 5-6 people under me instead of one.

So I put in my message to boss that I was interested assuming it came with a raise as I’m sure she was making more than me just based off her responsibility for the whole region even tho we have same title, he said he was considering it, would think about it over weekend and would talk with me today,

The position would be exactly the same stuff I do every day now just more construction crews and more work going on, and have to delegate a bit more.

Nothing from him yet today though, we usually get 3% end of year most years that happens in March/April, end of year reviews happen now though. So I can easily see him giving me some shit about seeing how it goes and they’ll take care of me then but I’m determined to not do that. I’ve done that like twice before at this company. So we will see what happens but planning on standing my ground for a large raise and soon, my life will definitely get altered in a negative way just by taking this promotion.

Oh and I need to make sure they backfill my position somehow as well, not doing both.

Oh and haven’t heard from boss yet today but it’s not something they can’t wait on imo


Yeah. I got moved up in the structure in Jan.

A friend of mine was like. “Hey Rugby. Congrats!”

I laughed. “For what”

“Ah. Yeah. I figured it was just an XX (my company name) promotion. Bigger job, no payrise”


I got a 20-25% raise in addition to our company wide increase when my boss retired this spring. We split up her responsibilities between me and someone at our other facility so I wasn’t stuck with everything.

The bad part is I now have to deal with and oversee a shitty department. I’d probably rather have my old role, the extra money doesn’t mean much to me since my wife makes so much more than I do.

So he called me today, basically making sure I want the job, making clear what he expects, that I will be over everything, probably stand in for him in some calls, basically be the man, I said that all sounds fine my only question is my compensation. He said he has to run it all by his boss as he was basically making sure I was down and ok with how he wants to setup things going forward, I said that’s fine I’m good with all that just get back to me on the compensation. I was going to send a follow up and make it very clear that it was important that it’s worked out asap, I guess I should give him a couple days to talk to his boss and such tho?

Probably doesn’t hurt to make that very clear. My experience leads me to expect that if you don’t, you’ll just get radio silence until getting the email saying “so ok you start taking over those extra duties on Monday” and pretending the compensation issue doesn’t even exist.

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lol been in this exact situation twice now it never went well for me, gl

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I have also been in this exact situation. If you don’t push compensation up front you’ll almost certainly get screwed.

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It seems like you should be able to force a resolution on this. If I was in this position and they came back and said “Fantastic news about your great opportunity! We are ready to get you started in your new role on Monday!” I would just respond with “That’s amazing! I’m so grateful and really looking forward to getting started after we settle on compensation!”


Thanks all I went ahead and followed up, I felt like I made it clear I wanted to hear back about compensation on the phone but I’m less good in spots like that speaking on my feet so easier for ‘em to type it up, will see what happens.

Being pushy can also sort of work for you in a different way. Like if it turns out they’re being cheap fucks and were never going to offer you anything significant anyway, don’t be surprised if they put this all on hold and then turn around and say they’re eliminating that position completely and splitting those duties among like ten people instead.

Then at least you know they were never willing to open the purse strings, but this way you headed off some of the awkwardness and possible resentment-causing aspects of the whole ordeal.

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I feel certain this dude was being honest about what he wants to do with the position, I just have been jerked around by this company before and I’m not sure he knows what he can and can’t do as far as setting up the team in a certain way so that’s what he was going to talk to his boss about. I just wanted to be clear up front.

Edit: jerked around with regards to raises for promotions I took


Personally I’m not willing to push my bosses at all because I assume they would just fire me and I would have to leave the state to replace the amount of work I get now.

After you deal with the compensation, this seems like the most important issue.

You are what they call a model employee.


Quitting a remote job because you don’t do anything is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard of.