The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

Yea, my company had one of those “oh shit, everyone is leaving, we better pay more” realizations and made large adjustments in pay… and people kept leaving, so they’re doing it again 6 months later. Lucky me I guess.


I’d classify that under “worse employment situation”.

Same here, got a 10-15% bump but no promotion or anything.

“All of the above”, except retired?

Was laid off a few months into Covid, found a new job but would probably classify it as a “worse employment situation” (I wouldn’t have left previous job for it), got an across-the-board raise at new company, then found a new job at a new company.

We all got a 3% raise after getting frozen during covid.

My boss was talking about a promotion for me but during our last few 1-1 meetings she hasn’t mentioned it, which might be a reason for concern. But I plan to quit soon anyway.

Except that quitting my job was a step in the right direction.


Got a 10% bump at some point but that was a realignment of the pay band, so basically I was already underpaid. I have been at the company for 2 years, 2 months and don’t really care about a promotion, just more money.

I want to start looking for a new job but two blockers I’m faced with is I’m starting to search for a house to buy so don’t want to rock that mortgage lender boat too much and tech interviews are such a pain in the ass that I will need to spend some non-negligible amount of hours preparing.

Interesting poll. I’m not sure how much my change actually was driven by the pandemic and related job market turmoil. For me, I went to the head of a business unit in 2019 and pitched a brand new role for myself. He bought it and I joined but then early in 2020 he transferred departments and his replacement didn’t support the role the same way. So I decided to bail, and it took me 4-5 months to find a new role.

Some commie should make a “how much are you paid?” thread

Somehow not an Onion article:

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They could still think about writing this up for the research journal You Don’t Say?

Not easy for them since it’s impossible to lower the food quality to offset the increased costs.

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I hate so much about this.

Indeed shows 246 results for "No Vaccine Required" across the US and I assume Indeed’s search algorithm probably has some false positives. So I guess it’s popping up, but doesn’t seem that prevalent… From the first 20 or so results, a lot of these are caregiver, nurse, and nanny positions which tilts me to no end.

No vaccine required would be fine if it was a work from home job.

Of course, I doubt that is what is being advertised.

I think @Will1530 (who I believe works at a hospital in your neck of the woods) posted that his hospital was actively recruiting such people. I might be misremembering it, tho.

How about go fuck yourself?

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It might actually be good for corporate drones to have to go do real retail work and see how the other half lives. If every corporate middle manager in America has to do hourly paid labor for a few weeks I would expect a meaningful increase in empathy for lower paid workers.


Maybe if they got paid hourly, too. … but yeah, I could see some folks gaining insight

Still though,

How about go fuck yourself?

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Was going to say something similar. This sounds like a good idea regardless of any “difficulty finding employees”. Everyone from the CEO on down should spend at least one day a quarter doing the grunt work that the company specializes in.

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