The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

I’d be down for a “help iron get better social skills and a job” thread. Just sayin. Between 2 plus 2 and here, theres a bunch of former awkward with a lot of paying it forward to do.

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I don’t think he’s saying white collar workers are valuable members of society, I think the point is that big organizations have a bunch of white collar stuff that they need/want done and there is a small slice of productive white collar types that drive a lot of that to completion. Those people are routinely screwed over by big companies that are designed to reward sociopathic climbers and not the actually productive people that take care of all the tasks that need doing.

I don’t really understand what argument you’re trying to make. Most companies make money, yes. Most companies have expendable middle managers, yes. None of that refutes @Riverman point.

Hey so I finally got a job! A friend offered me a job in his warehouse and it is going great so far. I’m basically working by myself, it is close to my house, I get paid pretty well, the products are lightweight and there is no stress. Also I’m working M-F 9-530 for the first time in my life and can actually have a weekend. Fuck being a restaurant server I ain’t ever going back haha

Well I made this post a year ago and for my 1yr anniversary last week my boss gave me a 50% raise. It’s been a little overwhelming to get life changing money after struggling for so long. My first job after Black Friday I made $9.25/hr and it took me 1.5 years to get promoted and it came with a $1/hr raise. I’m now making 2x what I made as a server in 2019. And it’s the easiest job I’ve ever had because I don’t have to deal with rude customers and my bosses are extremely nice. Very thankful to be where I am today.


Congrats, that’s awesome.

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Awesome stuff. Congratulations.


I feel like I’ve been through this several times with the bottom line always being that he wasn’t actually willing to change.

You should be charging AT LEAST double that. If you live in a large metro area you should be charging triple that. In your particular case I’d ask for $450/hr and if I needed the money would settle on $400.

$125/hr is self-employed owner/operator, “low-balling to get in good so you’ll hire me full time for that sweet PTO.” You are an expert—THE expert—on their systems. Don’t sell yourself short


Lol, you expect them to be consistent on support for capitalism when it’s their ox getting gored by it?

I certainly hope not. There’s nothing as delicious as the tears of a Boomer getting gored by capitalism. My sympathy level can only be expressed as a negative number unless they’ve been poor their entire life or are a middle class or below POC. I hope every other Boomers flood insurance gets cancelled and their house gets washed away in a flood. At that point I’d start to believe in a just god a little.

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Thread titles showing up everywhere.

To be fair, I stole it from the media when I created the thread title.


So does this mean theresginna be a bunch of good jobs advertised?

I’m an IT guy in academia and I was forced to return to a shared office after 18 months of successful remote work. You know, to remote into stuff.

Because we have returned to pre-pandemic operations despite, you know, that pesky pandemic thing.

Being banned from working remotely is a pretty curious call for a job with 24x7 operational responsibility. Hope nothing breaks!


Going to be amazing when they try explaining how you are only banned from working remote during normal business hours!

No. The data shows that the excess resignations are actually concentrated in the shitty customer facing low pay jobs. You know, the ones where antivaxxers try to kill you, directly or indirectly, and in exchange you get a minimum wage and an “I’m Essential!” sticker for your standard issue collared t-shirt (cost not covered by employer).

The media is all over these anecdotes about white collar workers leaving jobs because they appeal to the main consumers said media, which is … white collar workers whose jobs are killing them. But the resignation rates for those people are not way out of whack with pre-pandemic norms. You can find as many “Covid made me rethink everything so I quit to pursue my passion in interpretive dance” people as you want for feature articles but for each of those people you can also find 9 people that quit for the normal reasons and 90 people that are still grinding away in their jobs.


Yes indeed. I suspect, as you do, that I’m only banned from doing it during the hours I’m paid to work. Gotta respect the hustle.

I know a couple of white collar people who switched jobs the instant someone asked them to go back to the office. That seems to be the main conflict driver in the white collar workforce right now. A lot of people discovered how huge a deal it is to not have someone looking over your shoulder + not have to commute.

Okay. That makes sense. Damn it.

This is why the anecdotal stories are landing and forming a narrative. There is north of 80 million white collar workers in the US, so in totally normal circumstances about 8-10 million of them would leave their jobs in a normal year. So we all know some white collar professionals that left their jobs during the pandemic. I left my job for the pandemic for more pay somewhere else. Anecdotes don’t establish trends.