The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

There are infinity threads where people essentially ask “what the hell should I do with all this money.” Someone will come along and say “you can’t spend it because you might need 10 years of long term care at $300,000 per year,” another few people will say “give it away,” and most will say “set up a trust.” Almost nobody ever says “spend the money.”

Planning to leave an inheritance is fine, but living in “retirement” for 40 years terrified that they will run out of money doesn’t sound super fun or rewarding.

The irony is that many of these people would be well served by an annuity, which is really an objectively bad “investment” for retirement but not if the alternative is to sit on your millions like a dragon hoarding treasure for the sake of hoarding treasure.

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I do like this idea and wonder (more or less seriously) how far away we are before planned death becomes a regular part of retirement planning. I suspect that this will come up when we get back to the conversation about privatizing Social Security.

Why should assisted suicide be only for people with terminal illnesses?

In Ontario it isn’t, we have language around declines in capabilities and physical/psychological suffering.

Why shouldn’t assisted suicide be available for a healthy twentysomething?

I think the biggest challenge is finding a doctor to sign off on that.

Yeah the hypocratic oath makes signing a death warrant for a “healthy” 20 something a pretty hard task.

I mean, its possible its time to update a 2500 year old idea to clarify what harm truly means now, but as is, its a pretty big hurdle.

The problem with suicide for a twenty something is that the underlying issues that cause someone to seek that option are largely treatable at that age.

But is it enough if she retires right now… ?

Did she demand the royalties for Umbrella in bitcoin or something?

Ok found my answer.

I just heard yesterday that Reese Witherspoon sold her TV production company for $900m.

It’s not actually possible for the vast majority of people to do productive work for anything approaching 40 hrs / wk.

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If a 20 something wants assisted suicide they are not healthy.

My company just implemented a remote work policy with fairly strict prerequisites that I without a doubt meet. I requested the “opportunity” to my boss on Wednesday who ignored me until I sent a follow up email today. He responded that my manager would be meeting with me about it on Monday. My subordinate is moving to Texas because his wife got a job there and they immediately approved him. If I get told no I will be absolutely livid. I’ve already applied for 2 jobs today in advance of the answer. I’m getting more and more bitter and I wish I wasn’t.


If you burn the office to the ground they can’t force you to go there.


Some additional color because I appreciate input from you smart people. I’ve been at this company for 5 years and have absolutely grabbed every “brass ring” put in front of me. They have doubled my salary over that time frame and have treated me well. I had a job offer 2 years ago that I told them about and they immediately counter offered which I ended up accepting. I was told that I was one of the “futures of the company” My current boss is the epitome of a smart guy but a terrible boss. I don’t think he likes me. I have requested to be “exposed” to other facets of the business to him 3 times but nothing has came to fruition. I can’t decide if this was all because I had leverage at the time or not. My manager is an idiot who everyone hates. Part of me feels like it’s just time to move on and see some new scenery, but part of me is worried that I’m giving up too cushy of a job. If they let me work from home I would probably put all of these feelings in the cellar but if they turn me down I won’t be able to help but think it’s intentional.

Also, Pam eats popcorn for lunch every single day at 11 am and I don’t think I can fucking take it anymore. STOP COOKING CHEAP ASS POPCORN AT 11AM YOU PSYCHOPATH.


What’s the difference between “boss” and “manager”?


My boss is my actual boss who makes all the decisions. My manager is a guy who is technically above me but has no authority or decision making at all. I’ve saved his ass multiple times throughout the years. No idea how he still has a job.



If CM Punk shows up on TV 14 days from now I guess I have no choice but to quit :slight_smile:

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