The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

If that’s true (and obviously it needs to be more than one person finding it offensive I hope or it could get silly) then I 'll retract that.

Well, they need to give a shit about those women, but they don’t.

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False, I have used it a couple of times to prove a point. Not been perma’d for that (yet).

Act like children, get treated like children.

ICYMI, I threatened to temp ban anyone using the word and got absolutely destroyed by the same people insisting on using it/not banning it, so yeah, your solution will not go over well, especially if this poll fails.


You’re right, what I should have actually said was “If you vote no on this, this will keep flaring up every month until this forum inevitably dies from apathy and lack of activity.”

Because that’s precisely what will happen. What I said was true. The evidence is in this very thread. People voting no should consider that.

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You should say nothing.

It’s a simple yes or no vote.

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I demand a filibuster!

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This might be the first time I unironically call someone a snowflake. You are seriously going to stop posting in the forum if a bad word doesn’t get censored? The fuck is wrong with you?

Ding DIng Ding!! Well, really just to the posters and mods they are specifically trolling.

Thought there was a proposal to filter the word to “marjorie Taylor greene” or whatever that q anon idiot reps name is. I vote for that.

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Reading3 AFC Bournemouth 1


Colchester United 0 ■■■■■■■■■■ United 1

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I very much don’t as it’s clearly an American-inflected use of the term.


I thought you were completely out of line and I’ve consistently voted to ban the use of it.


If it is then asterisks should not matter. If someone here used the N word in asterisks they would be banned. So same should go for the C word.

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Left out the part about how you got mansplained to by “the group (of male posters) from Great Britain who likes to follow posters and mods around and troll them” about “how, actually, it’s not offensive in Great Britain, so you should shut up.”

You seem to be giving it as good as you get it in this group of threads.

Close. Just cut out the first part.

Yea I agree that the word is highly problematic and anecdotally appears to have been used more recently almost out of spite.

But I thought that one of the cool things that originally separated us from 22 was letting people talk freely, and exercising context and good judgment when making mod decisions rather than blanket rules.


I have no desire to participate in a community that shares your values. But this entire thing has consistently been a “fuck your feelings, snowflakes” position from your clique. This isn’t new. This is just you finally admitting it.


I would prefer that mods be empowered to treat posters acting like children as children, the way skydiver did.