The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

I had completely forgotten that song existed.

Never heard of it! Listening on yt rn.

I was eating breakfast out and the song “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears For Fears came on and I thought…

What happened to Dennis Miller?

I actually liked his HBO show as a teenager and he was great on Weekend Update on SNL. I didn’t get everything he was saying on the former but what I did get was funny.

Apparently, he had a stint on The O’Reilly Factor. He also released stand-up specials after that and man are they bad. At least when Louis C.K. fell from grace, it was because he was jacking off in front of women without asking them.

With Dennis, it’s even worse.

I’m biased in the sense that I have worked remote for around a decade, and my business is one that can be done entirely via email. That being said, I really believe that remote is something that overwhelmingly benefits the worker - it removes the soft wage theft of commuting and worker judgment for leaving on time, it removes geographic restraints, it removes a degree of the physical and aesthetic requirements of the office, and it focuses in on actually doing stuff versus appearing to do stuff.

I also believe that it disempowers pathological management, which is why some companies are so resistant to it. People start businesses for many reasons, but a major one is power - the ability to control and dispatch people at will, which requires to some extent the ability to physically see them. Remote work creates a neutral geography for work - you are not on the boss’ turf, you are not able to be marched into their office, and your co-workers cannot see you get in trouble. Bosses also love having fancy offices to take pictures of and send to their dickhead friends, and they love having them full of worker bees. These aesthetics are depressing, but they are motivators.

And, yeah, it’s going to make hiring more difficult for them too, because you can’t offer fringe benefits like Summer Fridays or Ping Pong or Office Happy Hours. When they want someone in the office three days a week, they’re going to have to answer why, and that answer is going to have to be multitudes more satisfying than “I want to make sure we have spontaneity,” which is definitely how spontaneity works. Remote work inherently messes with the power dynamic of the worker and the boss, and it is going to make many, many brains malfunction.


The whole album is excellent.

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How do did you gain an edge over the house in pai gow? I’m assuming it has to do with banking as often as possible but even then I always thought the house still had a small edge

Chase, the media liaison and self-described “influencing professor,” agrees. Later that day, he will tell me that “we’ve been kind of lucky to have these outlets across the last few months because we’ve been more exposed to what’s really going on.” For instance, just a few weeks ago, he was at home scrolling through his phone as a ritual of pre-sleep entertainment, at which point he stumbled upon “some kind of documentary” about the apparently rampant levels of Satanism in the U.S. entertainment industry. The documentary offered a detailed exegesis of demonic iconography, which supposedly many directors embed in their TV shows and movies. “It freaked me out, one hundred percent,” Chase says, “because I’ve seen those types of things—those signs and symbols—in these entertainment people’s offices, and so then to see this documentary and to start putting the pieces together, I mean, it’s nuts, man.”

At this point, I nonchalantly inquire as to whether Chase could maybe brandish his smartphone and pull up the video in question, and I’m soon made to view something called “Out of Shadows,” which has been posted on YouTube by an account called—I shit you not—Thinqing QAnon. Later, when I ask Chase whether he’s ever heard about the QAnon conspiracy, he says no, but explains that the video must be legit because “it’s gotten deleted multiple times off the internet, which is insane.” Epistemologically, this is where we are as a country: when content gets expurgated because of blatant misinformation, it is taken as a sure sign of that source’s truthfulness.



yea this is definitely the case with trumpers at least, if it gets removed from youtube or anything its clearly them trying to silence the truth, my brother has told me as much multiple times. Because if its bullshit why would they care if its out there lul

MSM out here doing god’s work. Never mind all the other times prices went up. Or basic inflation. Or that the CEO makes $40M. Or that even in the article it says it’s about supply costs.

Nope - gotta be the lucky ducky workers.

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This is the America liberals want.



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Good? That makes me like them more.

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And we’re eating lamb tonight. Uh huh, sure.

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The take isn’t that prices are increasing at Chipotle’s. It’s that Chipotle’s shouldn’t exist you goddamn philistines.

The restaurant I eat at just raised prices for the 3rd time this year grumble grumble.

I’ve gotten 6 spam calls in the last 4 hours. How do I stop this shit?

Just pay them for the damn extended warranty on your car, I’m sure they’ll leave you alone after that.


I got so sick of them that I answered one once (guarantee this was a bad idea but whatever). The guy asked me what make and model my car was and I tried “you called me, why don’t you tell me which of my cars you’re talking about” and he said he couldn’t because he needed to verify that he was talking to the correct person so I told him “porsche 911” and he laughed and said “ok have a good day” and hung up.

I get those for a laptop. They keep saying this is my last chance! TBC, I don’t answer but it ends up on voicemail. Blocking does no good.