The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

The 70s version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers - ainec. That movie changed me.

Bambi. I had nightmares for weeks.

Deer Hunter.

Amityville horror & children of the corn

Tony Bourdain has a rant about this kind of kid’s movie:

Then there’s Old Yeller. Even worse. A more cynical and unconscionably bleak message one could hardly imagine.

The story of a boy and his dog. A Disney story of a boy and his dog—which, as all children’s accumulated experience teaches them, means that no matter what kind of peril the heroes go through, things will always turn out okay in the end. This, by the time we sat down in that darkened theater, excited, sticky with Twizzlers, we had come to accept as an article of faith. A contract between kids everywhere, our parents, and the fine people at Walt Disney Studios. This was as powerful a bond as we knew, an assurance that held an otherwise uncertain universe together. Sure, Khrushchev was maybe going to drop the Big One on us, but goddammit, that dog was gonna make it out okay!

So, when Old Yeller gets sick with this rabies thing, little Tony is, naturally, not concerned. Pinocchio, after all, got out of that whale situation no problem. Sure, things looked bad for him, too, for a while, but he figured it out in the end. Bumpy ride with Bambi, what with Mom dying, but that ended okay. Like Mom and Dad never forgetting to pick you up at school, the Happy Ending was a dead cert.

It will be okay. It will turn out fine.

No one will hurt a fucking dog.

That’s what I’m saying to myself, sitting there between Mom and Dad, staring up at that screen, breath held, waiting for the miracle.

Then they go and blow Old Yeller’s fucking brains out.

I sit there stunned. “What do you mean there’s no cure for rabies? I don’t give a fuck they hadda put Yeller ‘out of his misery’! What about my misery, cocksucker! They were supposed to fix things! He was supposed to get better!! Don’t talk to me about reality! I don’t care if it’s a magical fucking rainbow shining out of a fairy princess’s ass makes him better. He’s supposed to get better!!!”

From that moment on, I looked at my parents and the whole world with suspicion. What else were they lying about?

Life was clearly a cruel joke. A place with no guarantees, built on a foundation of false assumptions if not outright untruths. You think everything’s going okay…

Then they shoot your fucking dog.

So, maybe that’s why until I got my first dishwashing job, I had no respect for myself and no respect for anybody else.

I should probably sue.

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nate really has a way of getting people to generate dumb takes about him

this is like when nate said “putting a pause on J&J is going to increase vaccine hesitancy” and some doctor dunked on him because he’s not a vaccine expert, but he was 100% right and you don’t need to be a vaccine expert to figure that out, you need to be a public opinion expert. and say what you will about nate, there are not very many people who have more public opinion expertise than he does, and certainly very, very few MDs who do.

in this case he just observed that the increase in natural immunity among the unvaxed pop will go up as more people get COVID, which will actually have a measurable effect on he efficacy numbers.

this is already known to epidemiologists, but that doesn’t make nate’s point wrong, in fact the “experts” explicitly say that he’s not wrong

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Completely free market media is a disaster. Jane Mayer probably makes like 20% of fucking Glenn Greenwald, and she makes a multiple of the woman who stayed on the Epstein story for like 10 years (Julie Brown I think). I get Ill thinking about how rich people like Sean Hannity are, and downright homocidal thinking about Murdoch.

I don’t really understand the core business model behind being a hot take-having white guy on Twitter.



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Added value with sound on.



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