The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

I decline to participate in nationalist virtue signaling.


Fine, Iā€™ll click the heart button.


I went to the Nathanā€™s contest once when I used to live in NY, there were 50-100k people there but I was still able to see the action pretty well. Definitely recommended if itā€™s close by for you. I also bought and ate one Nathanā€™s hot dog and it was a satisfying lunch, so donā€™t know how these guys do it. The announcer guy introduced the top 4 contenders as ā€œThe four horseman of the esophagusā€ which made me lol.

I canā€™t defend the contest on any rational grounds but Iā€™m glad it exists in the same way that Iā€™m glad people climb K2 and surf 100 foot waves, even though I wouldnā€™t want to do those things.

Does ESPN air the womenā€™s contest?

Thought they participated at the same time and separated the results by gender

I think it used to be that way but they changed it. Not sure, though. Iā€™m no expert.

76 in 10 minutes if fucking insane. I get bloated from beer.

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I agree with Riverman that itā€™s sad and depressing that this is even a thing.

On the other hand, if someone trains to be able do that and can do it that much better than everyone else, I have to give the man some (grudging) respect. Being the literal best in the world at anything is hard.

I mean, they vomit it out right? That would be just as bad as stuffing it in but they donā€™t digest all that right? Surprised there arenā€™t more choking incidents tbh. Number 1 thing my parents told me from the phone at work when feeding my brothers was to cut up the hot dogs small! #jedimeme.jpg

Is it confirmed that they do that? Whether they do that or not, jamming it all in there and keeping it down for as long as the rules specify is fucking insane.

I never paid much attention, I have no clue. I canā€™t imagine holding 76 hot dogs down at a time and practicing that and being skinny unless they are also marathoners.

I donā€™t think the body can metabolize that much food all at once, I assume they vomit it out or just shit it partly digested.

Both sound horrible.

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Some mind blowing shit here:

4 32-ounce bowls of mayo in 8 minutes.
7 sticks of butter in 5 minutes.
16.5 pints of ice cream (thatā€™s over 2 gallons) in 6 minutes.

That last record is held by a woman that is 125 pounds.

I donā€™t know if you guys watched it, but the announcer was certifiably insane. He was basically the equivalent of the ring announcer from Drago-Creed in Rocky IV:

At one point, he referred to someone as ā€œthe Houdini of Cuisiniā€ and I just lost it while my family looked at me like I was a lunatic. But for another contestant he said something like ā€œHis mother died in childbirth when she looked upon him and saw what a monster she had birthed.ā€ And that got super awkward in the old spidercrab household when my wife, horrified, asked if his mom had really died in childbirth and I honestly couldnā€™t say.

Edit: Iā€™m thrilled to see The Ringer has done a story on this guy:

Oh man, I donā€™t want to spoil the whole story, but hereā€™s another top-notch awkward intro:

ā€œHe will do whatever it takes to win,ā€ Shea said. ā€œThree days ago he broke up with his girlfriend and euthanized his dog to leave a void of emptiness inside of him that he can fill today with hot dogs and buns.ā€


He should host top chef

Yes youā€™re right.

Why should anyone be angry or sickened about such ostentatious displays of greed when 9 million people/year die of famine related illness?

Good point.


Contest is dumb, but this seems like a strange complaint.