The Future of the Republican Party

lipsticked pigs and monkeys

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Are you imagining that the average American will be forced to watch these hearings Clockwork Orange-style?

No but I think it’s an interesting topic in and of itself as to where people get their news. I hear both CNN and MSNBC ratings are at historic lows. I get my news from Twitter and independent news sources such as Majority Report, Breaking Points, The Rational National, etc. (any other suggestions?)

But a lot of people watch network TV. I mean, what are they gonna watch when the J6 hearings are on in place of their regularly watched show Blue Bloods or whatever? I’m just saying, I think it reaches more people. People who, like eyebooger correctly states, normally don’t care at all.


the train has left the station, there’s no stopping it now

the base is going to drive the primaries further and further off the deep end and you’re going to get more and more MTGs and Boeberts and Mandels etc. Just look at the shit in Texas, even the establishment politicians are going to capitulate and go full deplorable because it’s “good partisan politics”

Even if they did they write off anything that goes against their worldview as fake news.

The New York Times, WaPost?

It’s not going to be taking place during prime time. Even if it did, CBS isn’t going to preempt a top 10 show in the ratings (ugh) for it. And even if they did, people would just watch something else.

We’re in the age of nearly infinite entertainment options. People aren’t going to be glued to their sets to watch this stuff. They will get it distilled by the news and/or social media options of their choice.

This is bullshit. I’m pretty open-minded. If Hillary and Obama can run their hearings in a legitimate manner (after proving that they are fair arbiters and don’t have anything to hide, especially in terms of child predation or false birth certificates), then I’m definitely ready to change my mind!

Wait what? There can’t really be any chance that the networks are going to air some dumb political hearings instead of the Bachelorette?

I was under the impression they’d be held on national network TV and during prime time

If eyebooger is right and no one much cares about a tyrannical evil criminal who attempted a coup in their own country in order to cling to power then I guess it’s no wonder we live in the times we do and are in the predicament we’re in. God help us

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Now you’re getting it.

It’s actually worse than that, as like a third of the country actively supports the evil criminal who attempted a coup in their own country in order to cling to power.


Lol no. Congressional hearings happen during the daytime. I remember when Iran Contra was going on, it always preempted my mom’s soap operas and she was PISSED.

Trump/Desantis 2024

Man I don’t know I have been very bullish on DeSantis but shit like this is overplaying his hand.

I am reluctant to make predictions since I was so wrong about Trump. I thought he was so obviously a carnival barker that enough “moderate” Romney types would peel off and he wouldn’t get the nomination.

I didn’t know that evangelicals would accept any old turd as their flag bearer. I thought there had to be a veneer of sincerity. Lol me. (In my defense I knew they could be pandered to heavily, I just didn’t know how far this could be taken).

However once Trump got the nom, I thought he could win. My reasoning was I know a lot of dudes, even semi racist dudes, who would be sort of ok with having black boss (or commanding officer if you will), but not a woman boss.

I would guess Trump gets the nom if he runs, and general will be a crapshoot depending on the usual stupid things. If Biden doesn’t run for whatever reason and a woman does for the Dems, she will likely lose. I know I am sort of employing some sort of projected sexism (“women can’t win so we should never nominate them”) and that is shitty of me. I’m just making a prediction though.

I try to explain this to people and I end up coming off like an itsjeffteidrich tweet

Turns out if you lie to everyone on Facebook and tell all the people with guns that its their patriotic duty to become the next Kyle Rittenhouse when former fuck gives the order people actually show up and try to do it!