The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Lololololol Tim Scott

(Breathes deeply)



Larry Ellison needing to find new ways to light money on fire

Sadly that’s like me flipping a $20 to the Waffle House waitress.

Matt Gaetz’s waiter cameo was as underwhelming as it was unexpected.

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Larry Ellison probably did something racist at some point and using this proof he loves black people incase it comes out.

Tim Scott’s candidacy (as well as Ramaswamy and Haley and the others) serves one function: to dilute the potential pool of DeSantis support.

Ellison’s campaign donation to Scott is a proxy donation to Trump.

Please spend a hundred million on Tim Scott.

Holy shit please let the entire GOP go all in on Tim Scott.

It just occurred to me that the reason that Miami has gone Republican is because of the issues with Miami becoming the destination of choice for black people. I don’t remember anyone making that connection on election night.

Miami’s black population is down from 73,696 in 2020 to 73,250 in 2022.

The issue is that Miami has become the destination of choice for black tourists during Spring Break and Memorial Day.

And how has that affected Miami politics?

And black people spending a week or two in Miami in slightly higher numbers is what led to the increased turnout?

I’m skeptical.

From your article:

Republican turnout also had surpassed Democrats in the counties of Duval, home to Jacksonville, and Seminole, northeast of Orlando. GOP turnout was also unexpectedly high – but still behind Democratic voting – in Hillsborough County, home to Tampa.

In Pinellas County, west of Tampa, Republican turnout also was high compared to Democrats. The county is home to Crist’s seat in Congress.

It depends on your POV, for each of them, a presidential run, no matter how doomed, probably increases their future income prospects (grifting, boards, etc.).

There’s a coordination problem that the GOP had in the last primary where they needed everyone but one to drop out to go one on one with Trump but

Yes, catering to the party’s most powerful man is good for business.