The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

DeSantis is poised to sign a bill that would exempt him from Florida’s “resign-to-run” law, so that he won’t have to give up his office in order to run for president. Under existing state law, if he were to run, DeSantis would have had to submit a resignation letter before Florida’s qualifying deadline this year and step down by inauguration day in 2025. Last month, Republicans in the state legislature passed a measure that says the restriction does not apply to those running for president or vice-president.

Little coward doesn’t dare commit.

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Trump will be eating him alive on this at Florida rallies.

Your conclusion is 100% true, but the really sinister bit is the part about his travel records and people he meets with being kept secret from the public. The yokels who elected him won’t care one bit.

How does he campaign in that shirt. The shoulders are about 3 sizes too wide for him.

Like " wear good, expensive, well fitting clithes" should be an easy bar to clear for these rich assholes.

His shoulders are apparently childlike in their narrowness. None of his suits fit him, not one.



Seriously? There’s something wrong with this mf’er


I’ve only seen a still photo of that guffaw, the video is worse as it shows his unnaturally fast transitions between “emotions.” Someone is going to throw him out of a car before this is all over. After not even 10 minutes.

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Desantis is just Ted Cruz in a different body. There was a trajectory a few conservative assholes who were reasonably smart could follow from high school to law school to clerkships or DC. Kavanaugh is another example. The one requirement is that they not have a personality, because then they would not become what they became (see also Nixon).

No one ever develops into these views after high school. The essential thing is to go through 7 or 9 or whatever years of education after high school and still have the same positions you had when you were 15. That’s not easy and typically requires religious dogmatism.



I don’t know anything about clothes. Do they look like that bc bulletproof vests or something?

Looks like he’s actively trying to fill out that jacket

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He’s trying so hard to be this:


Saw a clip of him today. Worst fitting suit I’ve seen on a major politician. It literally made my think of David Byrne.

Maybe one of those harnesses connected to wires so he can get lifted up and soar over the crowd. He can fly, he can fly!

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Who stands with the back of their hands facing forward all the time? Is he trying to adopt a Trump affectation?

I will pump, pump you up-clap!

Every time before he goes on stage he does that thing where he stands in a doorway and firmly pushes his arms out against the door frame for a full minute. He’s pictured there chuckling because his arms keep trying to raise up.