The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

Mirazur, 3 star Michelin, between Monaco and Italy. Flowers univers with Nos Terroirs pairings. Best meal of my life, but also $1500+ for two.


lol @ some of those plates. Food looks great tho.


@MrWookie is now 2nd in line for the UP guillotines


Impressive, what is the dish that kinda looks like sliced garlic next to blue flowers? Some sort of clam?

Also what percent of the flowers on these various dishes were meant to be eaten or actually tasted good ( the flower petals themselves).

Were you actually full after that meal?

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I felt like I had to throw up lol

It was some sort of flan

They were all meant to be eaten, it’s from the garden just outside. They all tasted ok, obviously not strong tastes.

Yesterday’s lunch. $10US.


Looks nice. Honestly think I’d still be hungry after that, but it is just $10, so wouldn’t complain.

Maybe the portions just look super tiny in the photo.

You’ve been to Japan. So you know that portion sizes are generally smaller here. As are the waistlines of the people, not coincidentally.

But you get used to it and it becomes the new normal. I was quite full after eating all this.

Yeah, for sure. 'Murica has ruined me.

At long last, I was able to secure reservations at Portland’s hottest restaurant right now, kann. The kids are at grandma and grandpa camp, so I figured to try to get in, given that we had the freedom to try something midweek, very early, or very late. I wasn’t successful at first, but MrsWookie was up late one night and managed to book a table when she saw one available online.

Kann is a proudly Haitian restaurant, or at least as Haitian as possible while dabbling in local PNW ingredients.

Pretty small menu that rotates seasonally.

Our server said that everything was served family style as 3 courses for each of the 3 menu sections, and also recommended 2 things per section.

Interesting cocktail menu, too, which figured to go better with the cuisine than wine.

MrsWookie’s Bel Plaj was too sweet for me, but the Ti Bonnanj was just right.

Twice cooked pork, with plantain “pancakes” and pickled cabbage

Delicious, fork-tender pork seasoned with a traditional Haitian spice blend.


Hard to tell but there is fish under there!

You’d never know by looking at it that this was the spiciest dish we had. You’d hardly even be able to tell that from your first taste. The heat really sneaks up on you after you swallow… We both agreed this was the best dish of the night.

Fried okra

This was practically a dessert. Delicate rice flour coating soaked up the syrup and tasted like a fragile candy.


“pineapple and coconut” definitely undersells the complexity of the sauce. I don’t think I could recreate it all that well, and if I used just pineapple and coconut milk, I’d definitely fail.


Delicious and cooked perfectly, but also a bit disappointing, as it was not terribly distinct from classic French technique or ingredients. Maybe should have gotten the pork chop instead, but I went with the steak since we were having pork earlier.

At this point, we were much too stuffed for dessert, despite the fact that they looked really good. If and when we go back, we’ll take it a little easier on the savory dishes to have more room.

Highly recommend it here if you are in the area and can get a seat. It was definitely fun to enjoy and celebrate a cuisine that does not get a lot of attention.


Have yet to eat here, but this must be the pinnacle of Japanese dining.

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That sound like an amazing dining experience.


In-laws treated us to a traditional Japanese kaiseki lunch in a tranquil setting.

Among the offerings:

Love living in Japan.


Did I see some natto on there?

No, the dish I think you’re referring to is a dark miso paste over fried eggplant.

I’m a strictly no-natto gaijin.

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When inventive goes wrong.