The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

It’s a pretty good point, because it’s very rare that a dessert really surprises me. Even in the TR in the OP, the wow factor was much more in the volume rather than in the innovation of any one dish. They certainly didn’t mail it in, but banana ice cream with browned banana slices ain’t exactly uncovering new culinary territory. One that did:

From last year’s fancy anniversary dinner at Le Pigeon in Portland. It’s apparently the only dish that’s been on the menu every day of the restaurant’s history. It’s a duck fat choux dough (as if for an eclair) topped with chocolate sauce and salted caramel (again as if this were an eclair) but instead of being filled with standard custard or cream, that is foie gras ice cream. Now that was a dessert.

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This is pistachio tiramisu at a pizza place near where I’ve stayed in Paris the last two years. Just insane.

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Pistachio is awesome…for a grown-up flavor.

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Where’s that? I will be in Paris in April.


I ate this for lunch today. It cost US$10.


What is it?

Is it just $10 for the thing in the center, or does that include all of the contents of the surrounding bowls?

I love how @Ikioi can just drop random flexes in this thread whenever he wants to.


Yeah like to me that’s a wedding anniversary dinner type dish but to Ikioi it’s just “lunch on a Monday”


It’s a big bowl of fresh crab meat over rice (free seconds included), and of course it comes with everything pictured (and a couple things not pictured).


“Free seconds included” is not happening at any dining establishment in Merica that’s not named after some part of a farm


Lol more flexes


Looks beautiful.

I assume it tastes great as well. How is it seasoned. I’m having a hard time imagining eating a pile of crab and white rice. For example, I like nigiri, but not a huge fan of crab nigiri.

you don’t mean imitation crab? I don’t think i’ve ever seen crab nigiri.

Nah, I don’t like that that stuff.

I had it once and it was advertised as and looked like real crab. It did look a bit different from a standard piece of nigiri but I assume that was because of the nature of the crab meat.

But now that you mention it, I don’t remember encountering it any other time.

I didn’t have a hard time at all. Fresh crab over rice one of my favorite things to eat here. Fresh is the operative word.

My go to last purchase in Tokyo before heading home to the countryside is always a big bento box of rice topped with crab.

It’s certainly not imitation crab meat.

I’ve been to a few places that use genuine Dunginess instead of imitation crab, but they are uncommon.

Not at all uncommon in Japan.

I’ve already linked that guy but I love his youtube shorts and always amazed at how cheap food can get in Japan.

Now do pictures of Tokyo hotels and their prices :smile: