The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

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One of my favorite beer bars in Seattle has this up on the wall and I think it summarizes my feelings.

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Which bar?

Slowboat Tavern in Hillman City

Speaking of michelin, new 3 star restaurant in San Diego. First in south california I think.

I know this isn’t exactly fine dining, but my family is doing a late Mother’s Day in Napa, and we are going to Morimoto. Anybody ever been? Suggestions on what to get? Menu looks great and really looking forward to it.

I haven’t been, but I agree the menu has always looked good. We usually ended up at Angele around the corner from it, though.

We went to Angele for our anniversary in 2021. I enjoyed it, my wife was not blown away.

Went out to a fancy restaurant for anniversary lunch. I’m in a food coma now. Worth it.



Went out to a fancy restaurant for anniversary lunch. I’m in a food coma now. Worth it.


Good guess. It’s actually the same chef. He has a new-ish restaurant at One Vanderbilt next to Grand Central.

Boulud is an artist. I’m sure it was excellent. Happy Anny

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Went to Omakase in SF for an Omakase. Was amazing! Highly recommend it.

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Looks incredible

Over the past couple of days I discovered a new gem of Japan food culture: the parfait.

Like everything else in Japan, here they take something ordinary and elevate it to a culinary art form. Here are a few I enjoyed during a recent trip to Hokkaido.

Not only are they arranged to look beautiful, but a great deal of thought goes into the layering so that as you work your way to the bottom, you get several delightful taste changes along the way.

These were about $8 each, but I’ve seen pricer versions as high as $25, and I’m sure they’re worth every penny.

Looking forward to going further down this rabbit hole in the coming months.


Looks great. Can you describe what’s in the different layers?

For example, the one in the middle has soft-serve ice cream at the top with strawberry syrup and fresh strawberries. Below that is a layer of fresh berries, crispy cereal flakes, a layer of whipped cream, then a delicious layer of pistachio mousse, followed by more whipped cream and a sponge cake, and finally, more whipped cream and berry jam.

By the end of this glorious journey, you’re eating something quite different yet still fully connected to the initial bite.



Is that third one savory?