The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

what did happen to him?

come to think about it, i guess my poker days are pretty similar to my nft days.

Hereā€™s the poke bowl I had a couple of days ago in Vegas.

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That looks like California Roll Salad.

The place is called Pokemon. Itā€™s next to, and has the same ownership as, Izakaya Go, where Iā€™ve had one of the best meals I ever had in Vegas.

Can we get a name or will that doxx you?

10 am on the first. Make sure you add your CC to the website prior

Just having the concierge service through Chase Sapphire Reserve do it for me was painless. If you have that or another premium card, you might check it out.

oh snap he called you poor @SvenO

imagine booking your own french laundry reservation. goddamn peasants itt


Maybe poke is different, but it seems to me that this would be a feature rather than a bug in most things served with rice.

is chirashi a thing in the us? i never been to japan so no idea how the original version tastes, but had some and itā€™s a bit like poke (but i liked it and it did not have house special dragon spicy mayo sauce)

Thatā€™s my go-to order at a sushi joint in the US.

I was thinking Sven was markedly richer than me

I feel like chirashi is a great order at a mid-tier sushi place. At a great one, I feel like youā€™ll miss out on some of the best fish if you just order a bowl full of the usual suspects, but at a lesser but still trustworthy place, a bowl of the usual suspects is going to be pretty delicious.

I want to do an omakase at a high end place. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s better as a solo diner or in a group.

I like chirashi because a lot of the rolls at regular places just seem stupid and designed to attract dumb white people (hate the places where every other roll is ā€œspicyā€), but sashimi isnā€™t filling enough.

I get drawn to stuff I havenā€™t had before, but if Iā€™ve had everything and nothing stands out, chirashi is a very easy order.

How about nigiri?

Chirashi always seems like a better value.

excise poke content

iā€™ve only done one high end omakase and thatā€™s how i discovered iā€™m allergic to uni.

Damn, thatā€™s too bad. One of the best pieces of nigiri Iā€™ve ever had was uni with a quail egg yolk.

Not French Laundry but need a line check on a restaurant question. This is tough for me to personally evaluate, since I have a serious aversion to eating eggs. I wish I didnā€™t have it, but I do. I just canā€™t eat 'em.

So, let say you go out to brunch. What is your tolerance level for imperfectly poached eggs? Letā€™s say you go to a decent, but not super upscale place, where some sort of Benedict-type dish is in the $15 range. Do you send it back if eggs are are a bit over done? How much leeway would/should one give?