The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Thing I don’t understand is if they’re so confident God is on their side and the other side is evil and so on, why don’t they just go all YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT I DID!

The whole WaPo article is pants-on-head crazy. Bitch is as loony as they come.

On Nov. 24, Thomas engaged Meadows again by sharing a video from Parler, a conservative social media website, that appeared to refer to conservative commentator Glenn Beck.

“If you all cave to the elites, you have to know that many of your 73 million feel like what Glenn is expressing,” Thomas wrote.

Maybe Thomas is not really sick but just needed a break from his wife.


Prove me wrong: Clarence Thomas’ long game has always been to be the 5th vote to overturn Loving just to get away from Ginni.


He’s the real life Chapelle Show black white supremacist.

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Guy’s as batshit as she is

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Merrick Garland is doing exactly the job Joe Biden hired him to do: protecting Donald Trump to protect the presidency and heal the nation.

Much responsibility. So mature.

It’s been more than THREE MONTHS since the House voted to refer Mark Meadows to the DoJ for contempt. Nothing. Everything is a joke.


Merrick Garland as AG was one of the most disastrous appointments in American history.


Depends how you look at it. He’s doing exactly what Biden wants him to do.

I expected Biden to protect Trump dating back to September 2020, at least. First half of this excerpt is what I’m replying to, last two sentences are my post.

Garland is doing exactly what he was appointed to do. The eDems think they’re being the grown ups in the room, restoring us to normalcy, and they don’t want to destroy the current iteration of the GOP, they just want Trump to fade away and become a distant memory. They desire a strong opposition party, otherwise they know they’d move the country farther left than they want to.

They desire a competent opposition party because the Constitution doesn’t function if one side acts as the party of total obstruction. They’re just not prepared to overturn the Constitution from the left.

This is blatant fraud.

We need for losing an election to not be a crisis.


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