The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Well, today, and also January 20, 2025.

lol so much shit hits the wall with this guy that I can’t even remember what that was from or what dumb cable news talking head said it?


The kid in the middle was clearly kidnapped for that photo. He looks nothing like his two supposed sisters.

i’m just going to guess those are ivanka’s

Looks like Jr was trying to reach the kid on the right to make a white power signal but he didn’t quite get it


where are they? an ikea?

Is the little girl holding a mask? That’s not on brand.

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They never learn

Are any of these fools going to go from co-conspirator to witness (yes I know, it doesn’t matter).


Insert name

Yeah, some of them. Some already have.

Nobody close other than Cohen.

They don’t have the promise of a pardon like during the Trump presidency for whatever that’s worth

not only that, trump didn’t even pardon any of them when he had the ability. They didn’t actually deliver the coup so he didn’t reward them. Only guys who actually came through like Bannon and Stone actually get Daddy’s blessing. Loyalty alone isn’t enough.

Donnie Dumb Dumb lives for quid pro quo.

Except he never actually delivers the quo.

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He will this time.

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Arrested development “maybe it will work for us” meme

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Still one of my favorite things ever


The quo is “I barely knew the guy”

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