The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

It’s okay; they’ll have a few more tries.

They won’t need to.

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Yeah, that too.

Jfc. Mother and son were both watching Fox News. The Mom was absolutely entranced. Like a zombie. Leaning forward toward the screen.

Merrick Garland to the courtesy phone.

Skyler White has all the we got hims stacked in a self-storage unit.

“making it difficult to determine whether officials did anything improper”


If you don’t self-report your illegal activities, who’s to say you’ve done anything illegal?


This gets lost in the insanity. There is zero chance he does this without Putin telling him to.

Ends with “Make America Rock Again”

I feel really stupid right now I didn’t bet OZ in pa, just b/c we all knew trump endorses the guy on TV 100% of the time

doubt I would’ve kept it but the pump was free money sigh I’m bad at this now

Just naked corruption

I wonder how unreasonable this “asset management fee” was on a scale from 1 to Wexner/Epstein.

We should just pay the entire administration and Trump family $5-10 billion to all fuck off forever. Double if they revoke their citizenship. Triple if they move to Saudi Arabia for good.

Then we’d have to start a “Which one will MBS chop into pieces first” pool. Maybe Phil Mickelson can work out the legal paperwork of the payments?

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Maybe it’s cheaper ($1 billion?) to pay MBS to invite them to build a Trump hotel then chop them into pieces when they get there.

No laptops involved, must not be anything to see here

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They’ll lose it all in 10 years. They’re too stupid to put it in an index fund and live like kings. They will insist on using the Big Brains on super smart real estate deals and poof.


My earlier thought was giving Trump $100m to endorse COVID vaccines. I figured the treason Biden didn’t do it is the norm against officials getting that kind of money from the Treasury.

That is a sweet Freudian slip.

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