The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

He’s really going for the North Korea play book with this :joy:. It would be even funnier if he wasn’t a favorite to be the next president.

Motherfucker even had to issue a statement, 180 into the wind with a 5 iron and no other balls on the green though he’s playing with, at one time, pros.



Looks like a heavy downwind…

I have no idea if it’s true or not and I don’t really care. However there is another ball on the green behind the hole if you look.

I am assured that pro golfers have honor and there is know way Ernie would be part of hole in one scam.

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Yeah, look at how he can barely bend over to pick up his ball. No way that guy hits a 5 iron 180 yards.

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Lol, his statement really is just stream of conscious diarrhea. Look how in the span of one sentence he goes from calling it a slight wind when he is passively describing the conditions to calling it a strong wind when he is describing what he did. Amazing.

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If someone gets a hole in one in your group you’re going nuts, especially if it’s a hack former president. This simply didn’t happen.

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Only way I can see this is they re-enacted it because no one was videoing the actual thing.

Having said this however I am firmly on team this didn’t fucking happen.

If it happened, it may have gone something like this.


I’m not sure what you guys are talking about, there was a whole crowd there that saw it in person. They were moved to tears, it was such a Big, Beautiful hole in one!



Unless he’s an intolerable yam bag that constantly cheats and everyone hates his guts.


Even with a strong wind at his back

It’s possible he hit it thin and got lucky on the roll, but as Riverman pointed out, you’d expect a modicum of enthusiasm from someone if that was the case.

This is…not illegal, and every bank that loaned him money knew he was lying (and independently appraised their collateral).

But what about the shame in catching him lying. WOW! BOOM!

Holy North Korea!

Who’s also famously a teetotaler and cheapskate.

New Frontline tonight(ish).

You wake up from a 6-year coma and have to say which is the true statement. You pick

  • Trump made a hole-in-one.
  • Trump was President.

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