The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Big deal. Kim Jong-Il made 11 in a single round the first time he played.

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This has always struck me as likely to impress the avid golf fans of North Korea.

Got ā€˜em

This means that everyone gets in trouble for it except for Republicans, right?

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a monumental and fascinating order that will be promptly ignored with zero consequences

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Good line.

BTW, Eastman was a co-clerk with Ted Cruz for conservative appellate judge Luttig.

Luttig told The Post that he believes that Cruz ā€” who once said that Luttig was ā€œlike a father to meā€ ā€” played a paramount role in the events leading to Jan. 6.

ā€œOnce Ted Cruz promised to object, January 6 was all but foreordained, because Cruz was the most influential figure in the Congress willing to force a vote on Trumpā€™s claim that the election was stolen,ā€ Luttig said in a statement to The Post. ā€œHe was also the most knowledgeable of the intricacies of both the Electoral Count Act and the Constitution, and the ways to exploit the two.ā€

Inside Ted Cruzā€™s last-ditch battle to keep Trump in power

weā€¦ gotā€¦ them?

We got Eastmanā€™s emails and memos to Trump. Thatā€™s a good get.

We have, for months, had handwritten notes from Trump directing people to fuck with the election and nothing has come of it.

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Spicy. This judge is in Orange County, CA and works in the Ronald Reagan federal courthouse BTW

Dr. Eastman argues that the plan was legally justified as it ā€œwas grounded on a good faith interpretation of the Constitution.ā€236 But ā€œignorance of the law is no excuse,ā€237 and believing the Electoral Count Act was unconstitutional did not give President Trump license to violate it. Disagreeing with the law entitled President Trump to seek a remedy in court, not to disrupt a constitutionally-mandated process.238 And President Trump knew how to pursue election claims in courtā€”after filing and losing more than sixty suits, this plan was a last-ditch attempt to secure the Presidency by any means. The illegality of the plan was obvious.

Our nation was founded on the peaceful transition of power, epitomized by George Washington laying down his sword to make way for democratic elections.239 Ignoring this history, President Trump vigorously campaigned for the Vice President to single-handedly determine the results of the 2020 election. As Vice President Pence stated, ā€œno Vice President in American history has ever asserted such authority.ā€240 Every Americanā€”and certainly the President of the United Statesā€”knows that in a democracy, leaders are elected, not installed. With a plan this ā€œBOLD,ā€241 President Trump knowingly tried to subvert this fundamental principle.

Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.

We all heard the phone call to the GA Secretary of State where Trump asked him to ā€œfind 11,780 votesā€. Itā€™s still on the internet. Anyone can listen to it whenever they want. Clear as day election fraud.

This was on January 2, 2021. Itā€™s nearly 15 months later. Nothing has happened.

(Someoneā€™s lawyers havenā€™t gotten their check from the Trump for President fund.)

This is a 100% lie, look at those high fives, literal 0% chance he actually made it.

Lol that geriatric tub of lard is as likely to have hit a 5 iron 180 as he is to have made that hole in one.

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Visibly angry. Unclear where this ranks relative to a strongly worded letter.

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lolololol, tough call!

Seek her cooperation? Lol did they read the texts? Issue the subpoena so she can tell you to fuck off so you can do nothing, already.

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