The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Lol this is Chapo brain in action.



Open Skies - Russia could have unilaterally withdrawn from the treaty at any time? I mean after the US exit, Putin just signed a piece of paper and they were out.

Story 2 does not contain any information about anything Trump actually did.

This is just a Gish Gallop of bullshit you googled up, Iā€™m not going to read all this, God knows you didnā€™t. The reason youā€™re posting a million articles is that none of them individually is compelling. Show me your strongest item.


When youā€™re reduced to just posting a bunch of links and being like ā€œdo your own researchā€, maybe consider the possibility that youā€™re wrong?

Lol cā€™mon man you canā€™t seriously take the position you took and then handwave that all away.

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kre8tive didnā€™t even read any of them. I know this because of how quickly he edited the post to add new stuff. This isnā€™t a good faith attempt to debate, itā€™s just drowning me in bullshit. If any of the links is compelling, pick one and Iā€™ll look at it.

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Itā€™s been rehashed over and over to the point of exhaustion, if you somehow believe tRUmp wasnā€™t compromised I donā€™t know what to tell you.

Iā€™m begging you for your single strongest concession that you think Putin got out of Trump.

The Senate Intelligence Report isnā€™t even relevant, Iā€™m well aware of all the ties between, say, Manafort and Russian intelligence. Itā€™s beyond question that Putin HOPED he would get concessions out of Trump, as Iā€™ve said several times. What is at issue is whether he actually did.

The headlines alone make the point. It was four years of nearly non-stop kowtowing to Putin. ā€œWeā€™re no angelsā€ and publicly taking Putinā€™s word over the US intelligence agencies. Attacking NATO.

Meanwhile he was neck deep in Russia money before during and after the campaign. So is the GOP, for that matter, although itā€™s virtually impossible to draw a line and say here is where quid pro quo starts and stops, or here is where they just have aligned interests.

But that part is semantics.

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He actively tried to weaken NATO, pulled US troops out of Germany, tried to secretly ease sanctions on Russia, extorted Ukraine (the only reason he released the aid was because he got caught), refused to concede that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. The only reason he wasnā€™t more effective was through sheer incompetence.


Trump says nice things about people that say nice things about him. On the other hand if youā€™re mean to him, heā€™ll say mean things about you. This has always been true. Putin knew this and praised Trump, so Trump praised him back - while lots of people in NATO/the intelligence community didnā€™t play this game, they though they could convince Trump with logic and facts, which never works with him.

The point about Trump though is that heā€™s not loyal to anyone other than himself, so all the nice things he said about Putin were meaningless in terms of actually getting concessions from Trump. To the extent Trump did things that helped Putin, it wasnā€™t because he felt he owed Putin, it was because he thought it would help Trump.

If Trump really were compromised and felt he owed Putin, we would have seen much more than has been cited, and Trump wouldnā€™t have folded on Ukrainian arms - which is probably the single biggest thing Putin cared about at the time.


Putin wanted Trump elected in 2016, and wanted him re-elected in 2020. What else do you need to know?

Not sure why you think dismissing them all without reading them is that much more admirable. You could always just pick one yourself and look at it.

Huh? He clearly read the first two.

I read every one of those articles when they were published, Chris.

Iā€™ve read this one.

Iā€™ve read countless others on the subject and thereā€™s no doubt in my mind he has laundered money for gangsters, both Russian and Italian, and has God knows how much fodder for kompromat from his sexual mores.

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Putin escalated a naval war in the sea of azov, while imprisoning a crew of ukrainians for months, and cutting off a lot of ukraineā€™s maritime access. trmp undermined what should have been a nato/eu response to make that unacceptable. i guess you could bury your head and say thatā€™s the hapless pompeo who undermined by incompetence and trmp had nothing to do with it.

ETA: iā€™m sorry, the ships were heading to the sea of azov. but russian navy rammed them before they reached the kerch straight. still, russians regularly park a tanker under the bridge to effectively blockade the sea of azov at peacetime.

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Take the L dude

Lol. This is a discussion forum not a dunking forum.

Edit: Not really directed at you but my general exasperation of late.


Even if Trump was compromised to the extent that any ordinary person in his place would just do whatever Vlad told him to do, Putin knows Trump is an unpredictable buffoon, a total loose cannon. If he literally had him by the balls, Trumpā€™s balls are well oiled enough that given a direct order thereā€™s still no telling what heā€™d actually do. So as long as Trump was throwing wrenches into the works with a prospect of bigger and better to come in a second term, that was probably good enough for Putin.