The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

That’s a nice dunk and all, but it’s not going to change a single vote.

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Trump touted a contest for small-dollar donors to dine with him in New Orleans. But no winner met him.

This Trump guy sure seems like a con artist.


I don’t really like Donald Trump.

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This is textbook fraud, more A+ work from our legal system

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I disagree. A decent number of center right voters are white men who lived through the Cold War and are very clear about how they feel about Russia, and won’t fall for lies on this issue.

You know at this point if he went down for something like this, it would probably break my brain.

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Nah, they’re just gonna Bill Barr it: “Sure that’s terrible, but the biggest threat to the country is the Libs. I have no choice. Gotta vote Florida Man.”

" Look, we follow the law and we follow the facts, and we follow them wherever they go." – Merrick Garland

Except a lot of times. Even when the facts of obvious criminality manifest as a gigantic cartoon hand, smacking us repeatedly in the face until birds chirp in a circle over our dazed, confused heads. And then we cower.


I thought deep-fake videos were usually better than this.

They probably could have paid him to do it and saved some money and gotten a better video.


Apparently we really got him this time, there’s no way he wiggles outta this one.

Not enough lols in the world for how pathetic lawbros have become


Loled very hard at “inching”. The men in windbreakers should have taken him into custody as Biden was being inaugurated.

And inching towards “announcing” he is criminally responsible, like typing it in a brief to support the prosecution of some schmuck…. are they actually going to do anything to Donnie about it? Hell no!

They’re afraid of setting off a civil war, which I think has a decent chance of happening if you just seize Trump. Of course, I’m not afraid of civil war and may even welcome it, so I’m fine with treating Trump in the most provocative manner, especially since even going slow probably ignites a militant reaction if you ever take him into custody.

If Trump ever stands trial for anything, I’d expect there to be a massive crowd of supporters outside the courthouse. There will be people who are going to do a lot better planning than what happened on January 6. I’ll be rooting for them to be baited into overreacting so that the federal government can bring in tanks and Waco their asses.

That wouldn’t start a civil war, lol. There might be some protests, but that’s a far cry from civil war.

In their culture of victimhood, seeing Donnie Dumb Dumb arrested would give them intense surges of positive emotions. Remember that what they want most (given that their relative positions of privilege are locked in) is to complain about how oppressed they are. What could possibly give them more pleasure than turning Dear Leader into a martyr?

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I would not be surprised if we saw a competent, expanded version of January 6 or an American version of Kristallnacht aimed at whoever the Trumpist are most angry towards at that moment.

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I just listened to Know Your Enemy’s recent discussion with Jamelle Bouie where he talks about whether we are close to a civil war. He doesn’t think so and his reasoning was basically that there is no intractable issue like slavery that would force such a split today. Most everything that the right is upset about today is reactionary, culture war intangible crap that can be placated through reactionary responses lashing out at the Libs, feminists, Marxists, homosexuals, and other “woke” anger bears on the left, like the don’t say gay bills, increasingly insane abortion bans, and laws deputizing the right to punish “uppity” members of society. It’s not pretty, but it’s a far cry from starting a civil war.

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hillary. it’s always been and always will be.

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I may be overstating things when I say “civil war”, but I certainly believe a violent insurgency with assassinations and terrorist acts is a road we may be headed towards.