The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Whenever this type of things happen I get flashbacks to how unlucky us UKers were on an election day in 2010 when Nigel Farage had a mishap.


so close - sigh.

A better angle …



Jfc. Why can’t we have nice things?

Well, we are built on an Indian burial ground.


The 1/6 Committee is still farting around asking for phone records, what a useless clownshow.

not sure why twitter isn’t previewing.


I don’t know why it took me until this week understand that most republicans don’t realize trump is lying to them. I just assumed they knew he was full of shit, but it’s actually just that lying 30,000x during his presidency was convincing for 70 million people. If they thought he was lying they’d be democrats. They believe everything he says and they love him because lying works. They never look at Putin lying to their own citizens and connect the dots that Trump is trying to be just like him. They believe he is the greatest president ever because they’re told that every day and they figure it must be true.

For as much as they love saying “fuck your feelings” almost everything they do is based on their feelings over objective reality. What Trump says feels true to them so they don’t spend much energy on confirming it or not.


It struck me today while reading this that there is no “they just believe it’s stolen, it’s got nothing to do with sour grapes or legitimate voter fraud, trump lied to them and they bought it” option

96% of democrats are going to be shocked when they realize they aren’t just crying because they lost, they actually think they need to shoot you in the face to take back their country.


And I’m here telling people that they need to be prepared to shoot back and that shooting first has to be on the table.

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Even a near plane crash can’t stop the grifting

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How could you break his trust like that?! Just sharing the big news here without a care in the world for the sanctity of inside info. Despicable.

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Plane trouble? Maybe Putin showed Trump how to do the corrupt equipment maintenance but neglected to tell him to avoid overdoing it.

This is one of those clips I see where I get that unpleasant combo jolt of disbelief and fear that this guy was elected POTUS (and could be again!) It’s still astonishing to me.

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It’s completely this. They don’t care if it’s actually true in the sense that it can be independently confirmed using reason and testable, observable facts. They have perverted the essence of “truth” to the point that lying and not lying don’t really have meaning anymore to them. They are choosing the narrative they like the most, not choosing the statement they think is true. Think of them as being like self important baseball writers from 1974 (or 1994) and you’re a person trying to explain to them how statistical analysis disproves a lot of their narratives about baseball. They don’t care that you’re right. In fact, it just makes them angry.


The good news is that Trump will eventually die. The bad news is that the stupidity that allowed him to rise to the Presidency isn’t going anywhere.

Trump is douchebag Don Quixote.

And another thing Trump wanted but Joltin Joe got done

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And that Trump will take credit for when he runs, to the exasperation of Joe, who if he’s smart will not take credit for it, and wait for Trump to step on that land mine.

“That’s right, sir, by weakening NATO you did in fact soften the ground for Putin to invade Ukraine, which is what led to these increases in military spending.”

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sweden isn’t even in nato!