The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

No one would say that. He’s not getting indicted

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It’s still real to me dammit


It’s bad that we had a very stupid 5-year-old as president. It’s worse that nobody around him told him that there was no such thing as the gorilla channel.

The important thing is that it could be real.


that’s fucking awesome.

The Democrats are going to hand it all gift wrapped to DeSantis if they do.

Doesn’t matter. Trump needs to be charged.

Indicting him after he loses the nomination would be terrible precedent and nakedly political but also fantastic fun.

I don’t know. Trump craves/needs attention. I think getting indicted and screaming WITCH HUNT from a big stage might be better for him than fading into pathetic NFT-hawking obscurity.

it took me until the second to last sentence to even consider that it might not be real

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Do we have any proof it isn’t??

Is Trump’s gorilla documentary channel real?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I will abide by the results of this poll.


Not real and not new iirc. Came up a few years ago.

Don’t actually get bolded. The ostensible reason to wait is that we can’t do it while he is a candidate because there is a perceived conflict of interest (i.e. Biden’s DOJ would be doing it). But once he is no longer a candidate, he can be made to answer for these crimes without that potential conflict of interest clouding the proceedings.

That’s at least a fig leaf’s worth of cover.

Someone tell him that if he runs as an independent, he gets until the general election, at least, maybe longer if he contests the results, but he might get prosecuted as soon as he loses in the primaries if he runs as a Republican.


I wish that was real.

the gorilla channel itself or trump thinking the gorilla channel is real?

The whole story of them building a comm tower to create a fake gorilla channel to placate Don.


Isn’t that fake story essentially a madlib of actual Trump anecdotes though? The gorilla channel part is fake, but if it had said Fox News, you’d have just been summarizing how they changed their content once he was president.

I think there’s a real story about editing action films for Trump or something. Gotta get past the slow parts of bloodsport.

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