The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Posting them L’s


Who could have seen this coming?

Next 303/master cake SCOTUS case; does a liberal IT tech have to help a dumb MAGAer get access to their white supremacy NFT?


we got him

I mean how could we not have him this time? They’re urging Garland to prosecute, that must be worth at least what, like five strongly worded letters?

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All the Commodus

Won’t do anything but I hope they do. Just piss him off more.

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I’d like to see old Donny… oh never mind

What are they going to do, show again that he lost almost a billion/year for a while? Fox spun that as “smart business” by the “king of debt” and the story disappeared. I used to think if it got out that Russia co-signed on Deutsche Bank loans it would be a big deal; even if that is shown it’s just smart business again. DoJ has failed so dramatically that everyone knows whatever comes out of the taxes now won’t matter. Merrick Garland’s spine development stopped somewhere around neural fold. DoJ is a laughingstock around the world. A+ in enabling cowardice.

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Yeah he’s going to full on say “Do you really think I reported my actual income to the IRS? What kind of idiot do you think I am?” And that’ll be that. Can’t investigate him for it because he’s a candidate, dontcha know, not that they would anyway.

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He literally led a fucking coup attempt on national television. How am I supposed to care about his tax evasion when they won’t even punish him for trying to overthrow the government.


But it’s Very Important, the eDems says so.


And caught selling TOP SECRET documents

Nothing matters.

damn I didn’t buy this shit cause I couldn’t look at it the rubes are dumb, it’ll fall eventually down to earth of course

somewhere, somebody is swearing that these are the new bayc and will save crypto.

even if it’s just one person, that’s happening. imagine being that person.

see at first you’d think, “fuck i’d hate to be that guy”, but if you think about it, it might be bliss…

Haha. Can you imagine the helicopters if trump cards go to 200k, and hes getting 10% of every trade.


losing 200k to trigger the libs, worth it

They did it buying $DWAC at $100 and they’ll do it again!

They have to be some money laundering scheme.

There’s definitely some financial crime Trump is committing behind this because nobody seems to be admitting to buying them.

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$500 for the cheapest ones now!